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investigation opened after an alleged “non-claiming” video from the DZ Mafia

By Violette Lazard

Published on October 9, 2024 at 12:58 p.m.updated on October 9, 2024 at 5:37 p.m.

Screenshot of the video attributed to the DZ Mafia published on social networks.

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In a video published on social networks, masked men claiming to be part of the criminal group “DZ Mafia” explain that they are not responsible for the murders committed last week in Marseille. Verifications are underway to determine its authenticity.

About ten men in black, a table covered with a white sheet labeled “DZ Mafia” and an interlocutor who looks like the character of Darth Vader, whose voice has even been modified. A “non-claim” video has been circulating since this morning on social networks, in which the Marseille clan, now reputed to govern drug trafficking in the Marseille city – and even throughout the region –, explains that it is not “ mixed ” to ” events that occurred between last Wednesday and Friday “. Namely, in order, the murder on Wednesday October 2 of a 15-year-old teenager stabbed around fifty times then burned alive, followed by the execution the following Friday of a 36-year-old VTC driver, father of a family, coldly shot in the back of the head by a 14-year-old boy.

17 deaths since the start of the year

According to our information, an investigation was opened to determine the veracity of this video, and to attempt to identify the authors – which the Marseille prosecutor’s office confirmed in a press release published in the afternoon. The DZ Mafia is the most powerful criminal clan known today in Marseille, responsible for the majority of homicides committed in the region. After defeating the Yoda clan last year, the “DZ” (a reference to the pronunciation of the word Algeria in Arabic) would have entered a new war against the Black clan, a conflict at the origin of the 17 narchomicides recorded by AFP since the beginning of 2024 in the region.

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Several investigators specializing in the fight against drug trafficking already believe that this video is authentic. “ It indeed seems to come from the DZ Mafia, even if this group is much less structured than it says, details a police source. It brings together individuals capable of setting up their own businesses and claiming to be part of the DZ through opportunity.. »

“A brand used maliciously”

In this video, all the codes of which seem to have been borrowed from the clandestine press conferences of the FLNC during the heyday of the Corsican nationalist struggle, the speaker therefore denies any involvement of the DZ Mafia “ neither near nor far » with last week’s murders.

“False information has been circulating in the media and networks for several days”he begins, wishing “strength and courage in their trials to the loved ones of the deceased”. “The DZ Mafia has nothing to do with what happened […] The name of the DZ Mafia has become a brand used maliciously. »

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Concerning the alleged instigator of the murders, a “inmate from Luynes”, the narrator explains that he is a “sick and mythomaniac man who has absolutely nothing to do with us”. Nor, adds the speaker, with “our methods”.

“We are getting closer to the South American cartels”

« If this video is authenticated, it is new proof of the power that drug banditry is acquiring in , we are getting closer to that of the cartels in South America », Analyzes a specialist magistrate.

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How to define a mafia group? Above all by its ambition to establish itself in a territory and make it its own. To do this, gangs in South America, for example, always try to attract the support of the poorest populations, by financing their leisure activities or even by providing them with food. By publishing this video, is the DZ Mafia seeking a form of support from the inhabitants of the Marseille cities, denying being involved in these barbaric murders? “ Possible, estimates an investigator. It’s ironic at the same time, when we know the violence that this gang was able to demonstrate. The video is also a signal, it also wants to call to order those who use the name of the clan to reign in terror. »

◗ Updated at 5:30 p.m. with confirmation of the opening of the investigation


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