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: teachers support the veiled student and not the attacked teacher

New affair, umpteenth affair of Islamic veil at school. This takes place in , in the Sévigné vocational and technological high school. Monday afternoon, a teacher asks an 18-year-old student to remove the veil she has just put on even though she has not yet left the school. Once outside, the high school student slaps her teacher, who slaps her back. The high school student then beats her before fleeing. She was arrested the same evening at her home and placed in police custody. This Wednesday, Warda H. appeared in court without a veil but wearing a bun, in a suit jacket. She was placed under judicial supervision until the hearing set for December 11.

As it should be, the high school’s internal regulations state that any sign or any ostensibly religious outfit is prohibited. But we learn in a BFMTV report that it is a ” game “ for some high school girls to put their veils back on before even leaving the establishment. A “game”? In other words, harassment against the educational community. To see if it will crack, let it flow – to wear.

The rectorate with absent subscribers

The rectorate cannot be reached by telephone and does not respond to emails. Contacted by BV, the school management replied that they had no comment to make on the incident which took place Monday afternoon. However, it seems that there is substance. If only because other students called for the school to be blocked in support of the incriminated high school student. Better: this would have received the support of around ten professors, in the name of the fight against discrimination, according to our colleagues at Current values. Funny teaching team, right? In 2003, the Sévigné high school had already been talked about because of a teacher who wore a “scarf” in the establishment.

Supported by several unions, the teacher was placed “under functional protection”that is to say that its administration must take appropriate measures to prevent further aggression. At the Sévigné high school, classes are still suspended, but there is such a “feeling of insecurity” that the rectorate has sent Mobile Security Teams (EMS), whose function is to secure the surroundings of the establishment, and Values ​​of the Republic teams, intended to “support staff and propose educational, regulatory and disciplinary responses”. They will be able to reread together the 148 pages of the Vademecum of secularism in the hope of finding a concrete solution to this problem: what disrupts school life, “The so-called Islamic veil (sic), the kippah, the Sikh turban, the Hindu bindi or a cross of excessive size” ?

The Republic and the yogurt cake

Anne Genetet, Minister of National Education, for whom this is the first crisis to manage, declared before the Assembly: “To hit a professor is to hit the Republic. » Gérald Darmanin, deputy for Tourcoing, is on the same wavelength: “Everyone must support our teachers and condemn this violence against the Republic itself. » Poor Republic! Have we invoked it enough since the first scandal of its kind, it was in in 1989. It has not been very effective. You might as well cook yogurt cakes – that was the subject of Secularism Day in 2020 at the Sévigné high school.

A few days before the planned tribute to Samuel Paty and Dominique Bernard, which will take place in middle and high schools on Monday October 14, this Tourque sailing affair does not bode well. And that Anne Genetet asked the rectors to send her back “very quickly possible incidents which would give rise to systematic sanctions” is one of those declarations which, everyone knows, and this is the first, will change nothing in the realities of Islamism which is progressing, more or less quietly, in our schools.

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