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Islamization. In , secularism takes blows… and sets sail [Vidéo]

It’s a case like so many others across in recent years. But which reveals, once again, the growing divide between a secular left that once reigned uncontested within national education and new generations with very different perceptions.

In , in the department, a veiled student physically attacked a teacher in the courtyard of a high school after the latter asked her to remove her Islamic veil.

The facts, notably reported by le Figarooccurred Monday October 7 at the Sévigné high school. When leaving the establishment, a student put on her veil while still in the high school. A behavior that did not please a technical and medico-social sciences teacher, who asked her to remove her veil.

Following this injunction, the tone quickly rose and the student, refusing to remove his veil, “ slapped and shoved » the professor, according to the testimony of a police officer to the JDD. The teacher then responded by also slapping the student. This triggered the fury of the latter, who “beat up” the teacher. Before running away. As for the victim, she was prescribed a three-day temporary incapacity for work and is on sick leave for a week.

The veiled student will finally be arrested Monday evening by the police. She is the subject of a complaint and has been temporarily excluded from the school. The next day, the teachers at this high school in Tourcoing exercised their right of withdrawal and no lessons were taught.

The deputy from the North and former Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, reacted on X: “I want to give all my support to this teacher from Tourcoing who, while she was simply upholding secularism – our common good – was hit by a student. Everyone must support our teachers and condemn this violence against the Republic itself. »

The same Gérald Darmanin questioned the Minister of National Education on Tuesday October 8 at the National Assembly about this attack in Tourcoing.

But this affair experienced a new twist this Wednesday, October 9. While the high school student, an adult and with no criminal record, must be tried today in immediate appearance, the investigation opened following her attack on a teacher revealed that the student had benefited from the support of several high school teachers, in the name of “the fight against discrimination”. Indeed, according to several sources close to the matter relayed by the JDD and corroborating information from CNews, around ten teachers from the Sévigné high school would have supported the veiled student after the attack on the teacher in the name of “the fight against discrimination”.

It also turns out that the student had already made a name for herself at the start of the school year last September by wearing an abaya within the establishment, despite the ban on the wearing of this Islamic garment.

Photo credit: DR (illustrative photo)
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