DayFR Euro

“I leave with no votes against me within the yellow team”

Member of the yellow tribe since the beginning of the adventure, Fabrice is the first eliminated since the reunification of the two teams of Koh-Lanta. Despite his unexpected departure, the one who applied for the game 23 times before being able to participate has no regrets and holds no grudge against anyone.

You have been a pillar of the Yellow Tribe. What assessment do you draw from your Koh-Lanta ?

I have a positive assessment of my adventure. I knew how to make myself appreciated for who I am, without playing a role and for what I do. It’s rarely seen, but we understand it because, several times, the yellow adventurers talk about it. I did a lot, I put a lot of energy into trying to feed stomachs, improving the camp, watching the fire day and night. It wasn’t to make me like you, but because I like to keep busy, to be active and I know I liked it. I’m leaving with no votes against me on the yellow team and I’m very happy for that.

You applied to Koh-Lanta for 23 years. Did your experience live up to what you imagined?

It lived up to what I hoped for! I wasn’t a fan of the show, I was trying hard to apply, to do it, but I wasn’t watching. I had so much to do it that watching it irritated me (laughs). I watched Ugo’s season, by chance, in 2012.

Now that you have experienced the adventure for the first time, would you try it again?

Yes, it’s an adventure that allows you to grow and doing it once, it grew me and it made me change a lot of things in my way of thinking. Doing it again can only bring more.

What things have changed about you?

Already, I thought I would be less emotional in that context, so I discovered that about myself and, afterwards, the lack of loved ones, of the family… I had never felt that, to that extent. I have already traveled, I have already worked abroad, but then I realized that we had to take advantage of what we have, of the people we have around us. We take that for granted and, when we no longer have it, we realize the value of things, of people, of what we have in our lives.

The council was full of suspense, with two rounds of voting. How do you feel at the moment of the first? Did you think you were in danger?

During the day, I don’t think at all that it could be me. A minute or two before going to vote, I don’t know why, in my head, in this cathedral silence of the council, in this cozy atmosphere, I said to myself: “After all, why are we putting everything on Sarah and they wouldn’t do it for me?“. Thibault showed the ex-reds that he was agile with the fishing kit, Jacques made friends with everyone, Ilyesse is appreciated by a lot of people… Ugo, out of loyalty, will not put not Frédéric’s first name and the others line up behind Ugo. In fact, there is more than one risk in four that it will fall on me. I tell myself that, in this case, it will be 7 to 7 and I will go! at the black ball It perhaps helped to soften the fall, because I had this flash of lucidity before the vote.

Do you understand why you were the target of the ex-reds?

I completely understand. They had more affinities with others, we must not forget that we do not know each other when we meet. There is only one fishing kit, only one harpoon… I spent a lot of time opening coconuts and doing things with the logic of serving everyone. I thought it would be valued, it wasn’t and that’s okay.

Is it more disappointing to go to a draw?

Not at all and, for me, the draw was destiny. Ugo said during the council that my name was put by default and not out of grievance, it’s a strategy, like us. Leaving without betrayal, without animosity, on a twist of fate, that reflects who I am.

We will remember your many barbs against Lola. Have you seen each other since filming?

We saw each other at the preview, because we were lucky enough to be invited by the production teams, about a month before the first episode aired. We have a wonderful stay together, one day, one night. We see the episode and share a good meal with the teams, with Denis Brogniart. The relationship with Lola was completely cordial, because you have to differentiate the player from the person. She’s the only person, in real life, with whom I didn’t have more affinity afterwards, but I have no animosity towards her.

We are at the beginning of reunification and there is of course still a lot of hypocrisy within the white tribe. What was the atmosphere like when you were still there?

The atmosphere was still one of laughter and the beginnings of camaraderie, even if we knew that there was a fool’s game taking place. When we reach a tie, the ax will fall and the scales will tip to one side or the other. As I did not participate in a particular strategy, I just followed the line of conduct of my team, I did not feel any discomfort or uneasiness. On the contrary, I found that getting to know each other over these few days was interesting and pleasant.

At this stage of the game, who do you see going the furthest in the adventure?

I give my black vote to Thibault, because he is someone with whom I spent a lot of time, in survival, from the beginning. We shared the same values, the same energy, the same strength, to move forward, expand our team… He is the most deserving.

The behavior of Gustin, who relies a lot on the camp, surprised many ex-yellows. Is this your case?

At that moment, I understand that a cabinet like Gustin does not have the same organism as many, but there is still a duality between “I am KO outside of events and I am a warrior in events“. I had a little difficulty understanding this duality… Adrenaline does a lot of things, but it’s not a miracle either. We all had this impression that there was the will to save up to shine at the right time and, if everyone did like that, we would die of hunger in the camp.


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