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A Bin Laden son installed in banned from entering

Installed in a town in Orne “for several years as the spouse of a British national”, Omar Bin Laden “hosted on his social networks in 2023 comments relating to the apology of terrorism”, justified on X the minister .

“As a result, the prefect of Orne took an OQTF”, an obligation to leave French territory, and “obtained the departure” of Omar Bin Laden, he added.

According to the Orne prefecture, Osama Bin Laden’s son had left “voluntarily” in October 2023 when the decision was notified to him.

Founder of the jihadist organization Al-Qaeda and mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, Osama Bin Laden was killed in May 2011 in Pakistan by American special forces.

It was on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Osama Bin Laden, in May 2023, that comments glorifying terrorism and glorifying Al-Qaeda were published on a Twitter account (now X) in the name of Omar Bin Laden, an account now suspended.

The prefect of Orne then made a report to the Argentan public prosecutor’s office.

If Omar Bin Laden, 43 years old, “denied being the author of the reprehensible comments on his social networks, which the current criminal investigation aims to clarify, it is nonetheless established that these illicit contents were indeed been welcomed” on his social networks and that he has not withdrawn or condemned them, indicates the prefecture in a press release.

“In view of the risks to public order and national security”, the prefect also withdrew Omar Bin Laden’s residence permit and issued him an OQTF with a two-year return ban (the legal maximum).

This decision was notified on October 27, 2023 to the person concerned, who had filed an appeal. The administrative court confirmed the validity of the decision on October 4, specifies the prefecture.

A “fragile” man

Born in Saudi Arabia where he spent his early years, Omar Bin Laden also lived in Sudan and then in Afghanistan. After leaving his father at the age of 19, he lived a life of roaming in several Arab countries until his arrival in France and settling in the commune of Domfront-en-Poiraie, where he indulged in especially in painting.

According to Pascal Martin, 64, who presents himself as his artistic agent, Omar Bin Laden, “psychologically ill”, had not been informed on Tuesday of this ban from the territory.

“He lives in Qatar and we decided with his wife not to inform him. He is too fragile, if he finds out it will hurt him a lot,” assured his friend contacted by AFP.

“This decision is completely crazy, inconceivable (…) He had a difficult life, he is the first victim of terrorism. Being the son of Osama Bin Laden was a test for him,” declared Mr. Martin .

“In none of his comments have I heard him advocate terrorism. He is incapable of promoting September 11, he says that his life stopped that day,” he insists.

“It’s scandalous,” says Harry Atterton, an 87-year-old Briton and also a friend of Omar Bin Laden. “He has managed to separate himself from all of his father’s ideology” and is “not involved in politics at all.”

“There are thousands of potential terrorists who should have left France, but they chose Omar (Ben Laden),” laments the octogenarian.

Same incomprehension at the Palais d’Odin, the bar-restaurant where Omar Bin Laden, his wife and their British friends had their habits in Domfront-en-Poiraie, a quiet town of around 4,000 inhabitants.

“He was absolutely discreet, on the English table that I receive daily he was the one who spoke the least,” remembers Christian, the owner.

“I found it a little hard, he had more of a message of peace even in his paintings. We should have given him a chance. With us Domfrontais, he had no aggressiveness,” he confided to the AFP.


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