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Urios room after the snatched victory of Clermont – Quinze Ovalie

ASM Clermont won a close victory against RCT this Sunday, at the Stade Marcel-Michelin, by winning 19-18. A tense meeting, marked by contested refereeing and mixed performances from both sides. The Clermontois coach Christophe Urios did not fail to remind the people of Toulon that the wheel had turned since last year.

A difficult but valuable victory for Clermont

In the Auvergne rain, the game was difficult to control for both teams, marked by numerous mistakes. Clermont, led by the score until the 77e minutemanaged to turn things around thanks to a penalty of Benjamin Urdapilletaallowing ASM to secure its third victory of the season.

The coach Christophe Urios recognized the difficulty of the match, while praising the state of mind of his players. “I saw us getting off to a bad start, we weren’t putting anything in place,” he declared, remembering that at 18-9 for Toulon at the 60e minutehe wondered how his team could win. However, thanks to a series of tactical changes and a bench that did good, Clermont took the lead in the final minutes.

Urios could not resist the urge to recall last year’s defeat against Toulon at the same place, where a try He had your back had given victory to the Varois at the end of the match. “They yell like idiots, but remember last year!” he said after the match, pointing out Toulon’s criticism of the refereeing.

The bitterness of Toulon after the arbitration

Pour Toulonthe frustration is immense after leading most of the match. The Varois, although close to a big blow after their victory against Stade Français the previous week, were unable to avoid defeat in the final minutes. Pierre Mignonithe RCT manager, had difficulty hiding his anger towards the referee Adrien Marbotespecially during the final action.

The pillar had to Dany Priso intervenes to calm Mignoni, who seemed to want to fight with the man with the whistle. Priso, very annoyed, spoke on the microphone of Canal+calling the end of the match a “sketch”. “We dominate the whole match and we are not rewarded. There are decisions that I don’t understand,” he lamented, while admitting that Toulon had not been able to kill the match. “We got screwed, but that’s sport.”

At a press conference, Mignoni refused to go into detail about his frustration, saying he wanted to remain “calm and dignified”. But the irritation was palpable, with the feeling that Toulon had let a victory slip away within its reach.

Statistics revealing a complicated match

The match, although anticipated, will not have left a big mark in the minds of fans of the beautiful game. With only one try scored, by Bautista Delguy for Clermont at the 63e minutethis meeting is the first of the season to have only one.

The match statistics speak for themselves: 11 forward in total, including 9 for Clermontand not less than 59 kicks exchanged between the two teams, including 35 Toulon side. The weather obviously didn’t help, but the numerous mistakes and clumsiness of both teams made the match dull and unspectacular. Most of the penalties came from poorly controlled scrums, illustrating the lack of fluidity in the game.

Clermont is getting through it, Toulon can harbor regrets

Despite everything, Clermont managed to secure a valuable victory, especially after its heavy defeat against the previous week. This third victory allows ASM to breathe a little, even if Christophe Urios wanted to temper the optimism: “I was not worried after Perpignan, I am not more optimistic after this victory.”

Toulon, for its part, leaves with a point defensive bonuslittle consolation after a match that they dominated without succeeding in achieving success. The men of Pierre Mignoni will have to quickly turn the page and prepare to face Racing 92 next weekend, with the firm intention of bouncing back after this frustrating defeat.

I grew up in a family where rugby was at all times. I was at the edge of the pitch when beat and joined the elite, I was in the Stade Pierre Antoine facing Gary Whetton when he did his Haka to celebrate the 1993 Brennus and I was always rocked legends of this sport. Now, it is with XV Ovalie that I intend to extend the adventure. #TeamCO


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