DayFR Euro

overthrows and wins the derby! – Fifteen Oval

The Olympic won a great victory against Stade Toulousain (28-23) during an electric derby on the 5th day of Top 14. Taken to the break, the Castres knew how to turn the tide thanks to a dominated second period, particularly in the scrum, inflicting its second defeat in a row on .

A fanfare start for Toulouse

However, everything started well for the Toulouse residents. From the 8th minute, Thomas Ramoscaptain of the evening, crossed the line to score the first try of the match. A few well-placed penalties and a try Peato Mauvaka later, Toulouse looked in control, leading 20-11 at halftime.

But despite this advantage, Toulouse quickly lost their footing in the second period. Unable to contain the rise in power of the Castres, particularly dominant in melee, they saw their lead melt away like snow in the sun.

Castres takes the upper hand in the melee

The turning point of the match came down to the scrum phases. Castresmore powerful and more aggressive in this sector, has put Toulouse under pressure. The test of Will Collier in the 49th minute marked the start of the Castres comeback, followed by the decisive try from Louis Le Brun who took advantage of a dominating scrum to seal the fate of the match.

Faced with this physical domination, the Toulouse residents multiplied the mistakes, like a Rodrigue Neti in difficulty throughout the match. Blair Kinghornhe had a complicated evening, including a fatal forward under his posts.

A ranking that evolves, Toulouse in question

With this victory, Castres climbs to 3rd place in the ranking, joining Toulouse which slips to 4th place after this second consecutive defeat. If Castres can savor this success and calmly prepare for its next trip to PauToulouse, for its part, will have to quickly correct its problems in the scrum before welcoming Clermont.

The reigning French champions, lacking solutions, are now on a downward slope and must react quickly if they want to regain their usual rhythm.

I grew up in a family where rugby was at all times. I was at the edge of the pitch when Castres beat and joined the elite, I was in the Stade Pierre Antoine facing Gary Whetton when he did his Haka to celebrate the 1993 Brennus and I was always rocked legends of this sport. Now, it is with XV Ovalie that I intend to extend the adventure. #TeamCO


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