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Serial killer and rapist, he has never been released from prison contrary to what this fake news claims

This Saturday at 2 p.m., the show At the end of the investigation will focus on the profile of a serial killer and rapist who sowed terror in the region from 1985 to 1999, Denis Waxin. A solitary man, he kidnapped his young victims, all children, before raping them and sometimes killing them with several stab wounds. A pedophile whose name made headlines again a few years ago, the fault of fake news.

Denis Waxin found guilty of six rapes and three murders

Denis Waxin committed his first murder on November 22, 1985. Nathalie Hoarau was kidnapped in a street in Lille, before being raped and stabbed. Although an important system was put in place, the man was not found and will reoffend on October 8, 1990 in Wazemmes. Cathy Monchaux, 9 years old, was murdered with 14 stab wounds after also being raped. On July 23, 1992, Nadjia Tebib, 4 years old, was in turn kidnapped in Moulins before meeting the same fate. Each time, the criminal cannot be found, even if for this last case, there are witnesses. In addition, a DNA profile was established from a trace of sperm. In November, then in December 1993, in Moulins and , he raped two young boys aged 7 and 10. It is thanks to Julie, 6 years old, raped in Fives on January 6, 1999 that Denis Waxin will finally be confused. Having memorized his face, she will reverse the investigation by recognizing her attacker. Summoned by the police, he ended up confessing to his crimes and in particular three other rapes of which no trace was found in the investigators’ files.

No, Denis Waxin is not out of prison

Tried on appeal in November 2003 by the Pas-de- Assize Court in Saint-Omer, Denis Waxin, prostrated in his box, for the first time asked for forgiveness from the victims’ families. Ultimately, the former gas station attendant was sentenced to life in prison. A sentence with a security period of 29 years, he can therefore only be released from January 2028. Despite this, a rumor appeared on social networks in June 2019, mentioning Waxin’s release. As shown The voice of the Northcontrary to what many Internet users have said on Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat, the pedophile never walked the streets of Wattignies or Lille. Furthermore, it should be noted that serial killers do not generally benefit from release at the end of their security period, as the cases of Tommy Recco and Guy Georges show.


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