DayFR Euro

Interprofessional strike and demonstration on October 1st – ???? Info Libertaire

Mardi 1is October, several unions (CGT, FSUSolidaires) are calling for a day of inter-professional strike and organizing demonstrations. Meet at 2 p.m. at Place Denfert-Rochereau in 14e in !

Appel intersyndical

Among the demands are:

  • the increase in wages,
  • the repeal of the latest pension reform,
  • the safeguarding of public services, the defense and development of jobs in industry.

You can find the inter-union appeal here.

Call from the Autonomous High School Action Movement

La Mala (@mala_idf on Instagram) calls for blocking high schools and for a rally at 11 a.m.:


Against the openly far-right Barnier government, the year begins in style: block your high school.

The new Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau wants to restore order ? Let’s give him some mess ⚡️

To escape the konde, the location of the gathering remains secret so stay tuned on your bigo ????

Anti-repression information

The lawyers available on Tuesday are Alexis Baudelin and Servane Meyniard from the Paris Bar (remember a name and the bar !).


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