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three years in prison for the offender who cohabited with minor prostitutes

He appeared under police escort, with a black eye picked up in prison where he is serving a sentence for aggravated violence and attempted bribery of a prison guard… Probably not the best first impression that Ahmed, 30, could make at the court. The young man was on trial this Thursday, September 26 for aggravated pimping. On April 22, 2020, during a routine road check, Bac police officers discovered Emilia, a very young 16-year-old girl in her back seat, reported as a runaway and dressed very lightly. Embarked handcuffed against her wishes, the teenager ended up confiding to the police that she had arrived with a minor friend also by taxi from a few days earlier and had landed in an apartment on Boulevard de la Libération occupied by Ahmed and two other young women.

Up to 15 passes at 200 euros per day

She would have felt obliged, she continued, to prostitute herself – up to 15 times at 200 euros per day – and to give half of her earnings to Ahmed, without however any constraint or threat from the young man. During a search, the police found the famous apartment where, in the only bedroom, four young women, three of whom were minors, regularly prostituted themselves.


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