DayFR Euro

The death of the leader of Hezbollah, the silence of , the trial of the RN and the canonization of King Baudouin

Can we rejoice in the death of a man?

The photos on the front page of La or Le Figaro are mind-blowing.

Photos of the crater, in place of a literally pulverized building in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

It was Friday evening, says Guillaume de Dieuleveut in Le Figaro.

“The Israeli air force dropped 83 tons of explosives on the building under which Hassan Nasrallah was taking refuge.” Bombing which he did not survive.

So can we rejoice in the death of a man? Well yes!

In Israel, one scene summed it all up, says Pascal Brunel, correspondent for Les Echos in Tel Aviv.

“On a beach north of the city on Saturday morning, suddenly the lifeguard perched on his cabin takes the microphone and proudly announces the death of the leader of Hezbollah. Immediately the families applaud wildly and shout their joy at the disappearance of the man who was considered an arch-terrorist.

The fact remains that this death opens a new period of uncertainty.

The question in your newspapers is obviously that of Iran’s response, that of a possible, not to say probable, land invasion of southern Lebanon by Israeli troops. In short, a conflict that would engulf the entire region.

And then in an obviously secondary way, but not for us French, this affair also highlights the diplomatic impotence of underlines Jean Dominique Merchet in Opinion. very embarrassed by the death of Hassan Nasrallah. “Yesterday in the middle of the day, Macron still had not reacted, he who is usually so quick to address the Lebanese directly”… “The new Minister of Foreign Affairs did not have, either, a word on the death of the Leader of Hezbollah”.

“The contrast with the American position, which welcomed this disappearance, is striking. On the French side we seem to have forgotten – Merchet recalls – that Hezbollah was behind the attack against the Drakkar building in 1983, where 58 French soldiers were killed.

“But unlike the United States, France continues to maintain channels of discussion with Hezbollah.”

For Marine Le Pen it’s serious

Return to France with the start of the so-called trial of the RN parliamentary assistantships. And if the subject interests you, read the long investigation published by Les Echos on this affair. Because for Marine Le Pen it’s serious, explains Valérie de Senneville. The boss of the RN risks up to 10 years in prison and a five-year ineligibility sentence which could therefore prevent her from running in 2027.

“In the referral order that Les Echos was able to consult, the lunar hearings of former parliamentary assistants appear as admissions of guilt.”

The judges continue the newspaper, however, note that there was no personal enrichment in this case.

Belgian history

Let’s come to the matter of the Canonization of King Baudoin of Belgium or how to succeed in making a mess in your own camp. The story is told by Jean Marie Guénois of Le Figaro.

On an official trip to Belgium, Pope Francis took everyone by surprise by announcing the opening of the process of beatification of the former king of the Belgians. And the holy father insisted on “the courage of Baudoin who had chosen to leave his post as king so as not to sign a murderous law”. Understand the law legalizing abortion.

So far from rejoicing, this decision literally paralyzed the Belgian episcopate. Embarrassed, the bishops of this country do not want under any pretext to rekindle the controversy over abortion and euthanasia to preserve the image of the Church in Belgian society.

In short, this could be a Belgian story, let’s save our image rather than our values.

Accordions made in China

But we’re going to end with an accordion tune. It warms the heart on a very autumnal Monday morning but the information is rather sad.

The last French manufacturer of strap pianos is closing its doors, Le Figaro tells us.

The Corrèze company Maugein, 125 years old, has just been placed in receivership.

French did not resist Chinese competition.

Because the Chinese are apparently fond of the accordion.

So Yvette Horner in Beijing, let’s not exaggerate, it’s not Mozart that we’re assassinating but it’s a little bit of French popular culture that escapes us.


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