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the track of settling accounts on drug trafficking funds envisaged

There were witnesses, but everything is very vague.“Opened for “assassination and attempted assassination by an organized gang”, the investigation into the shooting which occurred this Saturday evening in a premises in the Cité des Iris, in the 14th arrondissement of , would be moving towards the trail of a settlement of accounts on drug trafficking funds, according to the public prosecutor Nicolas Bessone.

The shots, fired from an assault rifle in an association hall at the foot of the building which served as a place of relaxation, left six victims between 24 and 29 years old: two men declared dead on the spot, three others hospitalized urgently by emergency services, one of whom was between life and death, and finally a fourth injured person, who presented himself alone to the emergency room of the Laveran military hospital. The most seriously injured was still fighting for his life this Sunday morning.

Most of the victims were known to police for minor crimes, but none appeared to be major figures in drug trafficking. The investigation was entrusted to men from the DCOS (the organized and specialized crime division, formerly PJ). If the trail of settling scores against a background of narcotics is confirmed (others remain open at this time), the two victims of Iris could be the 14th and 15th victims of “narchomicides”, according to the count of the Marseille prosecutor’s office. A figure down significantly in 2024, while the year 2023 ended with the exceptionally high number of 49 deaths linked to drug trafficking.


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