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The trial that could cost Marine Le Pen the presidential election

Published on September 30, 2024 at 05:19.

This Monday begins before the Criminal Court the so-called trial of “the fictitious assistants of the National Front in the European Parliament”. Marine Le Pen as well as several other executives of the National Rally (the FN changed its name in 2018 while the facts took place between 2004 and 2016) will be judged until November 19. In question, a “system of embezzlement” of the more than 20,000 euros per month that each MEP receives from the EU to pay their parliamentary assistants. Those of the FN would in fact have worked mainly to keep the party running in Paris, which was in bad financial shape at the time.

The magistrates suspect that this system was partially sponsored by the woman who was president of the party and MEP. Prosecuted for embezzlement of public funds and complicity, Marine Le Pen therefore risks 10 years in prison, a 1 million euro fine and, above all, a sentence of ineligibility. This could prevent him from running in the next presidential election, that of 2027 (or before if Emmanuel Macron were to resign in the face of the political crisis).

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