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Bouchez’s “stroke of genius”, abortion and the birth of a Flemish government: here is our campaign diary, negotiation n°11

A week marked by Flanders which finally has a government agreement. So all that remains is the Brussels region and the federal government… but nothing will happen before the municipal elections.

Après 111 jours, ladies and gentlemen, “we have a Flemish government”. Oui, nous avons un gouvernement flamand.

N-VA, the Flemish nationalists with Vooruit the Flemish socialists, and the CD&V, the Flemish Christian socialists. The future minister-president is called Matthias Diependaele Together they found a coalition agreement “to make Flanders an even better place to live, live and work“.

The government of the Brussels region therefore remains, but it is not time for celebration. “Ah, don’t rub salt in the wound, Mr. Buxant. You know, it’s complicated in Brussels“, explained David Leisterh, French-speaking trainer for the Brussels government.

Finally, there is the federal government, where things are not great either. Bart De Wever has been extended in his mission as trainer and a new report after the municipal elections is expected: suffice to say that nothing will happen between now and then… but there is still a decision, an agreement : the 5 parties of Arizona have just decided to block any modification of the law on abortion, voluntary termination of pregnancy. An announcement made by a press release and this gave great tension to parliament on Tuesday.

5 party presidents, 5 men have therefore decided to send us, as parliamentarians, a strong signal. Arizona, which is not yet even constituted, will reject all advances in terms of women’s rights to control their bodies“, reacted Caroline Désir, federal PS deputy. “I find this truly scandalous. What an insult Mr. President“, continued Sofie Merckx, head of the PTB group in the Chamber.

In this difficult climate, the municipal elections are approaching with a theme that has come to the forefront of the political scene: the tactic of the stroke of genius. Reminder of the facts: it is Monday on Radio Judaica. Georges-Louis Bouchez, president of the MR, is the guest and he talks about the explosion of pagers in Lebanon. “I find that this attack, on the contrary, is rather a stroke of genius in fact“, he said.

Suffice it to say that this stroke of genius provoked some rants, particularly in parliament. “What is this compass that allows the president of the reform movement, your party, to speak of the death of children as a stroke of genius?“, urged Rajae Maouane, ex-president of Ecolo.

Georges-Louis Bouchez wanted to answer so much that he interrupted the questions, got up to complain to the president, but it was impossible. The rules of the House prohibit it. It was therefore in a show on YouTube that he was finally able to respond. “You know, most of my political colleagues, what they have? They are afraid of losing votes in the elections. That’s the truth. I will not sacrifice what I believe to be right.”.

Being divisive is also an argument in the electoral campaign…

municipal elections georges-louis bouchez rajae maouane eco ps mr ptb lebanon


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