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Revelation on the hidden side of labels, in Capital, this Sunday September 29 on M6

This Sunday, September 29, Julien Courbet presents a new episode of Capital at 9:10 p.m. on M6. This week, the economic magazine takes a look behind the scenes of mass distribution.

© Benjamin

Price war: revelation on the hidden side of labels

Supermarkets: investigation into the great injustice of price differences

When it comes to prices, we are not all in the same boat. Far from it! Did you know that your shopping will be much more expensive if you live in (Côte d’Or) rather than in Saint-Jean-de-Monts (Vendée)? For the same basket, the price difference can reach 25%, or 1,300 euros in additional expenses per year with a weekly basket of 100 euros. But what justifies such price differences? We carried out the investigation and identified all the leads: mass retail brands, store managers, manufacturers or transporters… Who are responsible for these territorial inequalities in purchasing power? How are the prices of the products we buy every day set? You will discover that this is far from being a coincidence: we are all closely observed! Industrialists and traders scrutinize and analyze our income, our professional and even family situations to make us pay sometimes more… sometimes less! But then, how can we take advantage of this waltz of labels? Rest assured, there is no need to move, Capital will reveal the good tips you need to know to avoid the pitfalls of these price differences.

Private labels: the secrets of the new stars of the shelves

These are the big winners in the battle for purchasing power. And in hypermarkets, no aisle is left untouched: private label products are gaining more and more space. Pasta, meat, canned goods, more than one item in three is now sold under the flag of distribution brands. Today, all hypermarket chains have their range: Pâturages, Monique Ranou or Chabrior at Intermarché, Marque marque at Leclerc or even Reflets de at Carrefour. And they still have more appetite: Carrefour aims to increase its private labels from 33% to 40% of sales in 2026; Auchan wants to increase to 50%! As for the discounters Lidl and Aldi, it is even on this model that their success has been built: 80% of the products sold on their shelves are private labels! It must be said that with these attractive prices, around 30% cheaper than the big brands, private labels have what it takes to attract customers with purchasing power under pressure. But how are they designed? Is it a creation or simple copy of major brand products? And who makes them? From small producers, to agri-food giants, including distributors, Capital has investigated the incredible success of these products which boost your purchasing power.

XXL formats, group purchases: should you go for big lots?

XXL format cereals, “4 + 1 free” packets of chips, or ham promo at -68% on the 2nd tray… On the shelves, you have undoubtedly spotted these maxi format or bulk purchase offers which are available on the shelves. are increasing in recent times. With the same promise: to make you pay less for products per kilo! Since the wave of inflation which swept over the French, this well-known anti-inflation weapon has been brought up to date by manufacturers and supermarkets. Foreign distributors have even made it their specialty, such as Costco warehouse stores, or Atacadao which the Carrefour group has just launched in France. What good deals can we find in all these networks… but also what pitfalls should we watch out for? Another way to save money: group purchases via producer associations or cooperatives. Is this a better way to reconcile quality and low prices? Among all these bulk purchasing methods, which ones are the winners? Can buying in large quantities even if it means stocking up become your new way of shopping?

Video extract from Capital

Anne-Patrice leaves nothing to chance: she references the prices of each store to be sure to get the best deals. Even if it means visiting four hypermarkets in one afternoon!

Find “Capital” also streaming on the M6+ platform and its mobile application.


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