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The violent attack on Senegalese MP Guy Marius Sagna in Lomé sparked a wave of indignation and solidarity across Senegal and beyond. On a mission to Togo to participate in a public meeting with his colleagues from the Togolese opposition, Sagna was targeted during an assault led by militiamen who disrupted the meeting organized by the Dynamique pour la Majorité du Peuple (DMP ). Several political figures, organizations and activists quickly reacted to condemn this attack.

The AFRIKAJOM Center, informed by the organization Let’s turn the page Togo, published a press release in which it forcefully condemns the attack. The human rights defense center denounced these acts of violence described as “savage” and “criminal” carried out not only on Guy Marius Sagna, but also on his Togolese colleagues, the deputies Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson and Targon, also victims of the ‘attack. The organization called on the Togolese authorities to open a judicial investigation to identify and punish those responsible for this attack.

In its press release, AFRIKAJOM also expressed its support for Guy Marius Sagna and members of the Togolese opposition, while calling on Senegalese citizens not to carry out reprisals against Togolese nationals present in Senegal, stressing that they are not in nothing responsible for these violent acts.

Former Senegalese Prime Minister Aminata Touré, for her part, expressed her indignation at this attack. “I learned through the press of the attack on my friend the MP Mohamed Guy Marius Sagna. I express my indignation at this cowardly act,” she declared, before urging the Togolese authorities to quickly identify the perpetrators of the attack and bring them to justice. Aminata Touré also wished a rapid recovery to MP Sagna, known for his commitment to social and human rights.

This attack comes in a tense context in Togo, where the opposition regularly denounces the repression of its political activities. The incident, which left at least seven injured, not only shocked public opinion, but also relaunched the debate on the protection of opposition figures in West Africa.


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