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Afrikajom Center calls on the Togolese authorities to punish the perpetrators of these criminal acts

The AfrikaJom Center organization strongly condemns the attack on the honorable MP Guy Marius Sagna who was on mission in Togo. He went to this country at the invitation of Togolese opposition deputies, specifically parliamentarian Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson of the Togolese Peoples’ Convention. In addition to Guy Marius Sagna, Togolese deputies, Kafui Adjamagbo and Targon were also attacked.

“These acts occurred during a meeting with DMP activists and officials. According to our sources, the meeting was brutally interrupted by a horde of militiamen,” reads the Afrikajom Center press release.

This organization condemns these brutalities carried out on the person of the honorable deputy Guy Marius Sagna. Subsequently, she appealed to the Togolese authorities “to immediately open a judicial investigation in order to identify and punish those responsible for these criminal acts. Also, we express our support, our solidarity and our sympathy to the honorable deputy Guy Marius Sagna and his Togolese colleagues,” we read in the press release.

In addition, Alioune Tine invites Senegalese citizens “not to exercise any form of reprisal against our Togolese brothers present in Senegal who are in no way responsible for this despicable act.”


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