DayFR Euro

The central hinge of the Stade de weighed in the successful performance achieved in

The victory won by Stade de was that of a team focused on its quest for continuity. Luka Elsner, after the meeting, especially wanted to highlight, rightly, the collective nature of this third success of the season, this Sunday, September 29 in (1-3).

But when the Reims coach was asked about the impact of the central hinge Agbadou-Kipré, the latter agreed. Intractable when it was necessary to extinguish the slightest source of hope among overwhelmed Angevins, the duo constituted a real launching pad for a good number of offensives.

Even if his opponents then saw fit not to press him, Cédric Kipré first launched Keito Nakamura perfectly in the depth on the opening score (9e0-1). The Ivorian defender, shortly after, could have afforded himself another decisive pass if Marshall Munetsi, ideally served, had not sent his shot off target (15e).

“It’s important in the football that we want to offer. We can be keys starting from behind”

Cédric Kipré, defender of Stade de Reims

“That’s why I say that the collective is important. For the centrals to have time to arm passes, especially passes that cross twenty, thirty or forty meters, everything else must move correctly, explains Luka Elsner. Calls must be made, and communities must create spaces. Cédric’s passes are superb but they don’t come from nowhere, they have a collective logic and that’s what matters most to me. »

The person concerned was obviously satisfied to keep his statistical counter ticking. But like his coach, he insisted on the collective purpose of this ability to find openings or shifts that break the lines and bring danger. “I think it’s important in the football that we want to offer. We can be keys starting from behind. »

Aligned together since the victorious trip to (1-2), the hinge once again amazed, exuding a complementarity and a serenity which served as the basis for a successful Reims copy. “We get along really well with “Agba” and the more we play together, the more we trust each other,” relishes Cédric Kipré, who shows week after week that he has already become more than an alternative to Joseph Okumu, who is recovering from an adductor injury.

The fourth place in the ranking gleaned with this success in Maine-et-, in any case, whets his appetite. “It’s not by chance that we’re here, we work every week for it. For now, the results are following, so we are happy and enjoying. » There’s something there.


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