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Algeria Turns the Page on its Membership in BRICS

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Economy – Algeria recently decided to no longer consider joining the BRICS group while remaining a member of its Bank. This announcement, relayed by the newspaper El Moudjahid, comes after rumors concerning a potential rapprochement with the members of the group. However, government sources quickly denied the allegations.

The exclusion of Algeria from the Johannesburg summit in August 2023 was a key moment. At this summit, six new countries were admitted, but the Algerian authorities received no credible justification for their exclusion. This raises questions about the transparency and inclusiveness of BRICS. El Moudjahid criticized this “absurd selection logic”, which could reduce the impact and reach of the group.

The Algerian authorities highlight several advantages. The country has no external debt and has abundant natural resources. In addition, its geographical position in Africa is strategic. Despite these advantages, BRICS decisions have sidelined Algeria, which appears to be the result of political maneuvering. A veto by a member country, influenced by a Gulf emirate, played a role in this exclusion.

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This situation highlights the challenges faced by BRICS, which aspire to challenge the established world order. Algeria wishes to continue to defend its interests through other international forums, such as the UN Security Council and the Group of 77. It thus advocates multipolarity and multilateral cooperation.

By definitively turning the page on its BRICS membership, Algeria affirms its position on the international scene and seeks to strengthen its alliances with partners sharing a common vision. This decision could therefore mark a new chapter in Algerian foreign policy.

Overview of BRICS:

The BRICS group, formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, aims to offer an alternative to traditional financial institutions. It seeks to promote economic and political cooperation between emerging countries. The group has seen recent expansion with the admission of new members, but debates over inclusiveness and transparency persist.

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