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for his political return, Gérald Darmanin launches a new movement

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Darmanin warns Barnier again on taxes

“Many of us will not be able to support a government that would increase taxes,” launched Gérald Darmanin during his political return on Sunday in (North), two days before Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration to the National Assembly “I support the government of Michel Barnier appointed by the President of the Republic,” declared Mr. Darmanin in front of some 500 people, including Edouard Philippe and Elisabeth Borne, gathered at the Botanical Garden of his electoral stronghold. But “I know that we “There will be many who will not be able to support a government which would increase taxes: this would be contrary to everything positive that we have done for the French”, he warned, reiterating his opposition to the tax increases formulated before the announcement of the composition of the government.”I understand that this tax increase would only concern the wealthiest French people, but the money of the wealthiest must go into job creation, not into public coffers”, pleaded the former minister.Mr. Darmanin also announced the creation of a “place of reflection, which everyone can join”, called “Popular”. But it is not a political party or a current within the presidential party Renaissance, said those around him. “Our immense responsibility is to write, for the future, the social story of the central bloc,” explained the elected official from the North, who had already dedicated his return to work last year to the working classes. “The central bloc that we represent is at odds with modest people, working-class French people, workers.” However, “no one can accept the democratic shipwreck of popular France which throws itself into the arms of the community demagoguery of the extremes which divide us, leaving the little white people to vote for Le Pen and the little Beur to vote for Gaza”, he said.Two days before Michel Barnier’s highly anticipated declaration to the Assembly, Mr. Darmanin distilled some proposals, starting with the “preference for workers” which he opposes to the “national preference” of the National Rally. He also proposes the elimination of the activity bonus, which would be transformed into a reduction in charges to contribute to “a reasonable increase in the minimum wage”. Inspired by the 1% housing rate, Mr. Darmanin wants the creation of ‘a “1% disability so that everyone can be supported in life’s difficulties: from the parent in nursing homes to the school carer of their disabled child”. The former Minister of the Interior also wants the government to quickly implement places the single social payment, Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promise in 2022, which he wishes to see limited to 75% of the minimum wage “so that never again, not working brings in as much as the effort of working”. “In a word “, let’s launch the big social conference with employers and unions so that the State can guide, trust and encourage a new model of capitalism where happy employees are our collective goal”, he said.bpa/sl/ dch


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