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discover this tender anecdote revealed by Julianna Margulies and which concerns her former partner, George Clooney

The Emergency series is thirty years old. Actress Julianna Margulies, who played Carol Hathaway in the cult series, revealed a tender anecdote about her former on-screen partner, George Clooney.

The series with 23 Emmy Awards, which marked the small screen in the early 90s, is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary.

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The medical series was a real springboard for several actors, including Julianna Margulies and George Clooney, who respectively played Carol Hathaway and pediatrician Doug Ross. Three decades later, the two actors are still close and have not lost touch. The actress revealed a touching anecdote which concerns her email exchanges with the actor: “George and I, to this day, we always sign our personal emails with “Kisses, Carol” or “Doug””.

Julianna Margulies: her career saved by George Clooney

The actress, whom you saw again in the series The Morning Show, revealed in an interview for ET magazine that George Clooney had saved her career. In the pilot episode of Emergency, her character Carol Hathaway finds herself in the hospital after a suicide attempt… Which did not predestine her a great future in the series. The actress says: “I was about to sign on for a not very good sitcom, because I was going back to New York. I needed a job. He called me out of the blue, went out of his way for me and said, “I heard your…


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