DayFR Euro

Coupe de (4th round): mission accomplished for AF Biars Bretenoux

the essential
AF Biars Bretenoux, traveling this Saturday evening to the Rignac field, to meet the Montbazens Rignac team, qualified for the 5th round of the French Cup by winning 1-0.

It was a suspicious AF Biars Bretenoux team which traveled this Saturday to the field of a Montbazens team “which plays in Regional 3 but which, sincerely, should be in Regional 2”, affirms Biarnais coach Patrick Gauthier .
A team from Montbazens Rignac that the Biarnais know well having met them in a pre-season match (a match which ended in a success for the Biarnais at the end of a close match). “They had perfectly prepared for this French Cup match and they were on par with us in holding the ball.” If the coach of the Lot team recognizes “that this great Regional 3 team, which played its luck to the fullest, destabilized us at times, it did not create any clear chances. »
AF Biars Bretenoux for its part “had a serious match. I took advantage of this meeting to test new game systems and give players a chance. And I saw things that pleased me.”

“I hope we will have a good showing in Biars”

In this pleasant match, the good chances went to Biarnais. A shot from Adam El Oula hit the crossbar in the first half and on the hour mark, Thomas Van de Put scored the only goal of the match with a header in the area. “We knew how to play a little more direct than usual and we managed to bring in quite a few crosses and it was on one of them that Thomas scored the winning goal,” continues Patrick Gauthier.
At the end of the match, the Lotois had the opportunity to double the lead with a penalty obtained five minutes from the end, but the Aveyron goalkeeper repelled the Lotois player’s attempt. This did not prevent the AFBB from winning and continuing its journey in the Coupe de .
“Mission accomplished. We had prepared well for this meeting and we overcame the obstacle. We were there to win, the victory is there, that’s the main thing”
Here are the players from AF Biars Bretenoux qualified for the fifth round of the French Cup which will be marked by the entry into the running of the Nationale 2 teams. “I hope we will have a good showing in Biars”, wishes the Biarnais coach who already has his eyes fixed on the next match of the Regional 1 championship on Saturday at Métropole.


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