DayFR Euro

Standard trapped by Westerlo

The goals: 7e Frigan (0-1); 63e Zeqiri on pen (1-1); 64e Frigan (1-2).

Standard : Epolo, Sutalo, Hautekiet, Ngoy (46th Calut), Fossey (86th Badamosi), Kuavita (63rd Price), O’Neill, Bulat (73rd Alexandropoulos), Camara, Zeqiri (73rd Benjdida), Eckert.

Westerlo : Bolat, Reynolds, Vuskovic, Bayram, Rommens, Alcocer (84e Piedfort), Bos, Devine, Haspolat, Sayyadmanesh, Frigan (90e+3 Van Den Keybus).

Yellow cards: Haspolat, Bos, Bolat, Alcocer, Price, Frigan, Sayyadmanesh.

Referee: M. Van Driessche.

For once, Ivan Leko had spilled the beans before the match by assuring that in the long term, his ideal attacking duo would be made up of Zeqiri and Eckert. The former Unionist, on the bench the previous week against his employer, was therefore established to the detriment of Benjdida who had not yet been unworthy until then. We were therefore, finally, entitled to expect a Standard that was more forward-leaning against the attractive Campinois since the start of the season. Especially since in the event of a victory, the Liégeois could, provisionally, take second place in the ranking.

And it didn’t fail: from the start, the Standardmen were very offensive by pressing their opponents relatively high, a first since the start of the competition. And yet, it was on a well-conducted counter that Westerlo came to pick up Sclessin cold after seven minutes via Frigan. If the counter-attack was well executed, what can we say about the succession of individual errors on the Liège side during this phase. O’Neill lost the leather before Kuavita did not win the duel, Sutalo was dropped by his opponent before, finally, the Hautekiet-Ngoy duo did not communicate. Enough to give grist to the mill of Ivan Leko who was more than reluctant to offer Liège supporters a more offensive version of Standard.


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