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The horoscope for the week from January 17 to 23

The horoscope for the week from January 17 to 23
The horoscope for the week from January 17 to 23

Love, health, entourage… Your horoscope for the week from January 17 to 23, by the famous astrologer Nadine de Liedekerke.

Sign of the month: Aquarius (January 19 to February 18)

It's your birthday (start of 1st decan) : learn with Saturn, this year (from May), to put into practice on a day-to-day basis what you have learned in recent years. Jupiter, until June, will give you more self-confidence, enrich your creativity with new talents and make your loves blossom harmoniously. It will then grow your activities and bring you well-being and good health.

Uranusfrom July, will stop bothering you as it has done for the last eight years. Expect something new, change in your loves and in your creativity.

For all : from the 19th, you will feel reborn and ready for anything (thank you, the Sun). Relieve yourself from the constraints that weigh you down, listen to your needs, do what you love and express all the richness of your creativity. Don't doubt your abilities on the 21st. Use Pluto to better understand yourself and identify your motivations. Fierce, ardor, passion…, your love affairs will be spiced up on the 17th. Take a tender break on the 19th!

Aries (March 20 to April 19)

This weekend, you will need to be calm to let your imagination wander and think about the changes to make in the management of your property and finances and in your activities. From the 19th, you will pay more attention to those around you. You will have a thousand new ideas to share
and could be called upon to lead a project. Have team spirit and be careful not to impose yourself on the 21st. Your loves? Tender on the 17th and harmonious on the 19th. Very intense sharing on the 21st.

Also read
The big horoscope for 2025, sign by sign

Taurus (April 19 to May 20)

Your dreams of big projects on the 17th could come true on the 19th, thanks
to meet people who might be interested in it. From the 19th, the Sun will give you the strength to move forward and accomplish your ambitions. Jupiter, on the 20th, will facilitate your discussions with your banker for financial support. Don't give up on the 21st, Pluto will sweep away the obstacles and you'll get off to a good start. With your loved one, everything will be more exciting on the 17th and 19th, and passionate on the 23rd.


Gemini (May 20 to June 21)

Neptune will highlight your intuitions and your empathy on the 17th.
Helping others will be a source of satisfaction, but accepting other professional responsibilities on the 19th will be as much. The Sun will make you want to travel. Your joy will be great on the 20th, but on the 21st, with Pluto, already clean up what is bothering you. You will then move forward more freely. Your loves? Feeling of insecurity on the 17th, quickly forgotten in the arms of your loved one on the 19th.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

With Neptune, you will aspire to go higher and higher in your quest
of knowledge on the 17th. With Uranus, the new will seduce you on the 18th (new ideals, new friendships, etc.). Take advantage of the arrival of the Sun in its sign, the 19th, to reinforce your needs for freedom, and start with Pluto, the 21st, to abandon your old conditionings. In love, anger, reunions on the 18th and 19th. Seriousness, ardor, fiery outbursts on the 21st and 23rd.


Leo (July 22 to August 22)

Mysteries and hidden things will nourish your imagination on the 17th. Your emotions will be intense and your exchanges profound on the 19th. With the arrival of your planet in the sign opposite you, it is to your partner or your business associates that you will give all your attention, from the 20th, to magnify your relationships. Projects could be negotiated favorably on the 20th. But don't force anything on the 21st and calm your impetuosity on the 23rd, your words could become hurtful. In love, plans thwarted on the 17th, but very beautiful harmony on the 20th.

Virgo (August 22 to September 22)

You will dream of an idyllic marriage and deep love on the 17th. Of distant trips on the 18th to forget routine. Use Saturn on the 19th to better define your expectations in the relationship and make compromises if necessary. In dialogue, your romantic relationship will be able to harmonize on the 19th, but tensions are still to be feared on a daily basis on the 21st. Looking at things differently and not trying to control them on this day will save you from conflicts. Strengthen the dialogue and everything will be fine on the 23rd.


Libra (September 22 to October 23)

Find the job of your dreams? You will think about it on the 17th, but everyday worries could make you doubt it. Invest yourself fully in what you will do on the 19th, broaden your field of consciousness and activity through travel, reading, meetings on the 20th, you will move forward more confidently, but be careful to maintain your discernment and not don't shake things up too much on the 21st. In a very happy mood on the 23rd, you will only do what you like. Your loves? They will flourish far from the world on the 18th, and more and more from the 20th.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22)

Dreaming about Prince Charming could be a source of disappointment on the 17th and 18th. Hello, this is Earth, Saturn will say to you on the 19th. Regaining your objectivity, you will be able, with the Sun, to give all your attention to the family nest, well aware that it is your anchor, your refuge from the bad weather of life. Also realize with Pluto, on the 21st, that it is the mind that creates fears and shortcomings, and that it is our feelings that put us in the truth of life. Free, joyful, confident and combative, you will joyfully move forward on the 23rd.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Mercury will facilitate this week the management of your accounts and negotiations with your banker if you have any requests to make. From the 19th, with the Sun, you will see your tempo accelerate. Your appointments and small trips multiply. Your relationships with your loved ones improve. Your desire to learn asserts itself. Pluto leads you into intense questions on the 21st, resuming studies could tempt you. Love will regenerate you on the 18th. Possible tensions on the 19th and 21st, but so much excitement and passion on the 23rd!


Capricorn (December 21 to January 19)

Writing breakdown? Let your intuitions guide you on the 17th, you will quickly be reassured. Finding new creative strengths within you on the 19th, you will look at things with serenity and have a thousand ideas in mind to exploit. The Sun arriving in the sector of your finances on the 19th, you will be able to see if what you have is enough to secure you. If Saturn makes you doubt it on the 21st, you will be able, with the help of Pluto on the 21st, to see which values ​​are really close to your heart. Very constructive love on the 19th. Passionate and ardent moments on the 23rd.

Pisces (February 18 to March 20)

You will imagine sweet projects as a couple on the 17th, but Saturn will make you want, on the 19th, to listen more closely to your inner self to better manage your emotions and assess the seriousness of your relationship. The Sun will invite you to stay calm to take stock of these last months, to see what you could change, improve or stop. Let Pluto dig into your depths on the 21st to uncover what you don't want to see. Cupid will try to find his place at your side on the 20th, but your words could offend him on the 23rd.



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