Wednesday January 15 marks the opening of registrations on Parcoursup, which brought together 945,500 candidates in 2024. Among them, 645,000 final year students, 169,000 students in reorientation, 97,000 people returning to studies and 34,500 candidates with a foreign education. Since December 18, the national portal has displayed the higher education courses to which candidates can apply. Here are some keys to help high school students find their way.
What's new?
The site brings together more than 24,000 training courses, including around 9,000 through apprenticeships.
Each training provides an information sheet. This year, it is enriched (under the tab “View training access figures”) with new information on the candidates admitted the three previous years: their baccalaureate series, their two specialties and their general average in final year . A simulator allows the student to measure their chances of accessing the training. By entering their average and their specialties, the student sees a “report”: for their profile, the training is “rarely”, “occasionally”, “regularly”, “more than 50%” or “at more of 80%” an admission proposal. A tool to be taken with a grain of salt: it in no way guarantees admission.
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