“You announced that you would release a budget to improve mobility around Pairi Daiza“, indicated Walloon MP Bruno Lefèbvre to the attention of Minister Desquesnes. “Overall, this is good news. On the other hand, what is surprising is that this announcement came the day after the budget vote and that unless I am mistaken, you had neither presented it to the Commission nor included it in your budget. What about it? Where can I find a trace of this amount? For Pairi Daiza, there is the need to create a new road. I think everyone agrees on this point. How soon do you envisage this work and commissioning? What administrative procedures must be followed before the first shovel is broken?“
“As you know, the state of public finances in Wallonia requires us to optimize the budgetary resources available“replied Minister Desquesnes.”And in this context, during the monitoring of end-of-year budgetary operations, it emerged that there was an under-consumption of credits at the level of certain budgetary programs falling within my remit. The existing riders at the level of the 2024 budget decree system made it possible to reallocate part of the unused credits through the granting of exceptional financing of 31.7 million euros to SOFICO, with a view in particular to enabling it , on the one hand, to build a new road to relieve local roads around Pairi Daiza and, on the other hand, to renovate the seriously degraded regional roads around Liège airport.”
“Concerning the new road intended to relieve local roads around Pairi Daiza, I asked my services to organize a meeting with the municipalities concerned to take stock of this project“continued the minister.”Beyond the budgetary aspect which has now been resolved, it is appropriate to stop the project for the route of the new road, to request planning permission and the provision of land before launching the tenders for the works. and execution of the site. According to my services, a horizon of at least three years will be necessary to realize this project.“