“The Day After” is broadcast this evening on TF1. When you (re)discover Roland Emmerich's famous disaster film, we recommend that you pay close attention to the label that Jake Gyllenhaal wears in this scene.
A double cameo from George Lucas and Carrie Fisher in Hook, a hidden superhero that no one noticed at the end of Avengers: Endgame, two droids straight out of a distant galaxy in Raiders of the Ark lost or even Aladdin's magic lamp in Vaiana…
At 22 minutes and 32 seconds…
Rare are the blockbusters that don't contain a few little winks. We therefore strongly recommend that – provided of course that on-screen treasure hunts interest you – that you bring a magnifying glass and have your index finger ready to press the “pause” button on your remote control when you rediscover these feature films.
Let's focus today on The Day After Tomorrow, the famous disaster film by Roland Emmerich broadcast this evening on TF1, and which also contains its share of easter eggs. If you are in front of your television set, for example, we advise you to pause the image at 22 minutes and 32 seconds of the film, in the scene where Sam (played by a very young Jake Gyllenhaal) attends the academic decathlon of New York.
…look closely at Jake Gyllenhaal's label
All students present at the event wear a label with their first name stuck on the left pectoral. But as you can see if you pause in the right place, Sam is the only one who didn't exactly follow the rule, and who seems to have wanted to be smarter by writing “Yoda” on his badge.
A small, subtle and discreet detail which directly refers to the famous Jedi master from the Star Wars saga, and which allows us to guess a certain condescension of the young man in relation to his little comrades, as he insinuates elsewhere. spoken in the same scene:
“This sideboard is retro… It would almost be cool if it was done on purpose.”
(Re)discover the trailer for “The Day After”…