the PS requests a suspension for 6 months from the starting age to 64 years old

the PS requests a suspension for 6 months from the starting age to 64 years old
the PS requests a suspension for 6 months from the starting age to 64 years old

“We say yes to Mr. Bayrou on his proposal to return to global negotiations with political parties, unions and employers. This six-month negotiation could begin very quickly and, during this time, we are asking for a suspension or the equivalent of a suspension” of the application of the progressive postponement of the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. , he declared on franceinfo.

“It costs a little money, between 2 and 3 billion euros [NDLR : en 2025]but there is a reserve fund” for pensions which could be called upon, he argued. “Do you think that finding a good agreement on pension reform […] is not worth a little financial effort to appease the country? “, he asked.

Censorship in the balance

The six-month negotiation would make it possible to “rework the age measurement of 64 years”, on which “I have felt some movement at the government level” and to integrate “positive developments” on “long careers, professions painful, careers ruined.

The pension reform, which entered into force on September 1, 2023, notably establishes a gradual increase in the minimum retirement age from 62 to 64 years, at the rate of 3 additional months per generation, for French people born from of September 1, 1961.



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