Dmitri Boetto was arrested at Lyon-Saint-Exupéry station on Wednesday January 1, reports France Blue. The actor, who notably played in Domestic scenes on M6 or in the Netflix series So far, so good (2023), is suspected of having beaten his ex-brother-in-law to death outside a bar in Apt, in Vaucluse.
The man was lying on the ground, covered in bruises. He was taken to hospital but died of his injuries. The actor would, according to The Parisian, admitted to having had a family disagreement with his ex-brother-in-law. However, he assured that he was unaware that his victim had succumbed to his injuries.
Assassination investigation
Dmitri Boetto grew up in Apt and admits to having served several years in prison for “criminal association” and “possession of weapons”. The 51-year-old man therefore seems to have reconnected with his demons after a short career in cinema and television.
He played alongside Marion Cotillard in Angel face, in the short film by Mélanie Laurent Paris in emotion, but also the films Burn out, The Last Queen et Next to his pumps. The Avignon public prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into murder and an autopsy of the victim is scheduled for this Friday.