A slight competition is beginning to take place between the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau and Gérald Darmanin, newly appointed Minister of Justice.
Who will be the more regal of the two? A slight competition is beginning to take place between the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau and Gérald Darmanin, newly appointed Minister of Justice. The two men are forced to stay united but also seek to mark their territory.
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“The duo will inevitably become a duel”
“The duo will inevitably become a duel,” assures a Les Républicains elected official, close to the two men. Their political strategy, heir to Sarkozysm and the UMP, is the same, that is to say occupying the ground and hammering home a message of firmness.
Barely appointed to Justice, Gérald Darmanin makes a series of trips and media announcements to mark a change of direction with the Dupond-Moretti years.
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Bruno Retailleau's popularity explodes
Bruno Retailleau, for his part, does not hesitate to address angry subjects such as land law or the rule of law. A winning bet: since September, his popularity has exploded. But for the moment, the entourage of the two men brushes aside any rivalry. “Never has the Ministry of the Interior and Justice experienced such an alignment of the planets. We have no right to fail,” analyzes a close friend of Gérald Darmanin.
The two men are also due to meet very soon and communicate regularly by telephone. Will the divide come from their still unofficial presidential ambitions? “By being so exposed, they will have to reveal themselves,” concludes a Macronist deputy.