The AEMET warns of the arrival of a strong haze from the Sahara

The AEMET warns of the arrival of a strong haze from the Sahara
The AEMET warns of the arrival of a strong haze from the Sahara

For today, Tuesday, December 17, the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has predicted the existence of a noticeably more stable climate than yesterday. In the case of the Canary archipelago, today the last blows of the storm Dorothea are expected to disappear, however, the arrival of a strong haze is expected. On the other hand, on the peninsula, a calmer day is also expected than yesterday, although the presence of phenomena such as wind, waves and fog is expected in certain areas.

Dust in suspension from the Sahara

Still, in La Gomera, the northeastern area of ​​Tenerife, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, a certain presence of blizzards remainsHowever, they will not be comparable to those experienced in recent days. Maximum gusts are expected to be 80 kilometers per hour and, according to the AEMET, they will end up disappearing in the early afternoon in La Gomera and Tenerife and around 6:00 p.m. in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

However, the real warning that the Canary Islands will experience today will be the arrival around 12:00 p.m. of a significant amount of dust in suspension coming from the Sahara. This haze, which will be very dense at times, could reduce visibility up to 3000 meters and generate or aggravate health problems for people with chronic and/or respiratory diseases.

Since 4:00 p.m. yesterday, Monday, the Government of the Canary Islandsthrough the General Directorate of Emergencies, declared a state of pre-alert in the archipelago. This phenomenon will mainly affect the southern slope of the islands and is estimated to disappear during Wednesday morning. It should be noted that, although the most affected area will be the Canary Islands, this haze will also reach peninsular territories.

Other alerts on the peninsula

Virtually all the Galician coast is under yellow alert of the AEMET, due to the presence of strong winds and the consequent provocation of coastal phenomena. Throughout the coastal zone, they are expected Force 7 winds of up to 61 kilometers per hourFurthermore, in the north and northwest of A Coruña, the blizzard will result in the arrival of waves up to 5 meters high. This wind will intensify starting tonight, also affecting interior areas of the Galician community and will disappear late tomorrow.

Since late yesterday, in the Meseta area where Zamora, Valladolid and Salamanca meet, there has been the arrival of notable fogs that interrupt vision up to 100 meters. The situation is expected to continue throughout the morning and the fog will dissipate around 12:00 p.m.

Sky conditions and temperatures

In addition to these warnings, the peninsula expects a very calm day in terms of weather, just like yesterday. A clear predominance of sunny skies is expected in Spanish territory, however, it is worth highlighting the possible arrival of sporadic rains in the southern area of ​​Galicia.

Temperatures continue to rise since yesterday, reaching a maximum of 20 degrees in Asturias. At a general level, they will experience an increase throughout the territory. In the case of the minimum temperatures, this increase will also occur, since, for the first time in many days, no area of ​​Spain will have 0 degrees or less during the last hours of the day. In the Canary Islands, on the other hand, a relative decrease is expected compared to yesterday, although they remain very stable. Temperatures will remain between 17 and 27 degrees, this being the maximum expected on La Palma in the early afternoon.



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