The Vendée will indirectly be in the spotlight in front of the millions of viewers who will follow the competition. Miss France this Saturday evening. The finalists will notably parade in swimsuits with magnificent feathers on the back. Feathers made in Vendée by the Atelier de Luçon “My feather thing”. “I worked with a stylist for another international top model competition and through this stylist, I was put in contact with the Miss France costume stylistsays Sandy Vercruysse, professional feather worker for over twenty years, the feathers of ostriches, pheasants and roosters are worked and painted before being worn. The 15 finalists in the competition have already rehearsed with these feathers. And it’s a source of pride for Sandry Vercruysse: “It also gives us visibility throughout the world which is not negligible. Often I create things where I know where it's going, sometimes I find out or sometimes I don't know. There, I have a day and an hour, so I know, so it’s pretty good!”
After having collaborated during the 2018 competition, the feather designer was only recalled at the beginning of December by the Miss France Committee and is kept in the greatest secrecy about her design for the finalists this Saturday evening. “Everything is ready, I will be there as a guest. I can't tell you more. It will be colorful with around 70 feathers per costume” she just blurted out.