“It was painful to reject her,” and so after the breakup in ‘Blind Married’ Simen moved back to Larissa

We rewind to two episodes ago. Simen and Larissa, who had started their marriage with good courage and dedication, then decided not to continue together. End of story, it seemed. “The moment you said ‘no’, I thought it was an incredible ‘yes’,” said Ingeborg, who came to visit Simen in Ranst. “There was still so much love there.”

That was a correct observation, because Simen somewhat regretted his choice. “It was painful to reject her. I had never had that feeling with anyone before. Within a few weeks I started to like her. Do I regret that ‘no’? I still wonder about that to this day. I still have doubts.”

“It was painful to reject her. I had never had that feeling with anyone before. In a few weeks I started to like her”


Simen got emotional when he talked about it. “Larissa doesn’t know what I still feel. Or that I had doubts.”

Ingeborg went for coffee with Simen for an enlightening conversation. — © vtm

Whereupon Ingeborg suggested taking Simen to Larissa and her ‘mommy’. Larissa was very surprised. “I wanted to let everything sink in and distance myself from Simen. I’ve had a hard time,” she said. “I also had the feeling that Simen didn’t know it all yet,” he said about their decision moment.

Simen also admitted that. “I put up a wall so I wouldn’t get hurt again. That ‘no’ was not entirely my choice.”

“It is difficult to say whether we are still going for this. It’s better not for my state of mind. We can build a friendly bond”


“Those words shocked me,” Larissa said. “But on the other hand… It is difficult to say whether we are still going for this. It’s better not for my state of mind. We can build a friendly bond. But in my heart I have already made the click.”

Simen hopes that the door is still slightly ajar. “We’ll see.”

Simen had said ‘no’ during his decision moment, but he was stuck with that choice. — © vtm

With ups and downs

Jidse and Jorina saw each other again at the city hall of Mechelen where, bearing in mind all previous episodes, things could not have gone wrong. However, Jorina in particular felt a little stressed that Jidse would say “no”. For her part, it had been clear for weeks what her answer would be. “I’ve always kept in mind: if it feels good enough, it’s better to say ‘yes’,” he said. “I’m beyond ‘I want to give it another chance’. When I look back on those weeks I can only say that we did well. Still, I have more nerves than at the wedding.”

“I’ve always kept in mind that if it feels good enough, it’s better to say ‘yes’. I’m beyond ‘I want to give it another chance’”


Jidse made it clear that he had absolutely missed Jorin. They were separated for three days leading up to the decision moment. The slip-up from a few episodes ago, in which he stated rather bluntly that he had not missed Jorina, would not happen to him again.

Jidse and Jorina, it was obvious that things are still going well between the two.

Jidse and Jorina, it was obvious that things are still going well between the two. — © vtm

The outcome turned out to be what everyone already thought. “This is the beginning, not the end”, Jidse put it. “In everything we did, I was happy that Jorina was next to me. I am a lucky bastard who will be proud to walk with you by my side.” And Jorina? He also said “yes” wholeheartedly. “He put a smile on my face at least once every day with his lame jokes. With his bickering and teasing we sometimes seemed like a couple who had been married for years, but I like to take that teasing.”

“With Jorina, feelings move faster than with me. The gap is getting smaller. In the past I was once head over heels in love, but that feeling is not there yet. The love is not yet evident”


Although there are differences. “Our dialects, eating habits, way of approaching things. I am structured, he is less so. My independence and your driving behavior have already been discussed, but we were able to mention everything with humor. What do I appreciate most? His caring side. Living alone for a long time meant that I was not used to handing things over. Together with his playful side, I think that is a great combination.”

READ ALSO. They had even “bought a wig and a cap”, but they are no longer necessary: ​​Jidse and Jorina remain together after ‘Blind Married’

Even now, in December 2024, they are still married. “We are really dating,” it sounds.


“I find it a bigger challenge now than during the recordings,” says Jidse. “Now we have to plan and arrange everything ourselves.”

There have been ups and downs recently. “With Jorina, feelings go faster than with me,” says Jidse. “The gap is closing, but it is still there. In the past I was once head over heels in love, but that feeling is not there yet. The love is not yet evident.”

Real ending

The outcome for Jonas and Britt was certain, last week Britt closed the door. “It’s hard for me to put into words. I’m still in knots. I just think I have to learn to discover myself,” she said. “I think it’s something I have to do on my own. There are big differences between us. These can be eliminated, but I feel no basis to start doing so. I have no romantic feelings. There was too much going on to do anything about it.”

'Blind Married' became an emotional rollercoaster for Britt, but not in the way she thought.

‘Blind Married’ became an emotional rollercoaster for Britt, but not in the way she thought. — © vtm

“There were hardly any conversations between us in recent days,” Britt said. “It hurt both of them. We were very sad with how everything turned out.” The ride to the choice moment was in silence. “It was difficult,” Britt said afterwards. “He realized that I was going to disappoint him, while Jonas wanted more (he had symbolically said ‘yes’ because he still wanted to go for it. But Britt said ‘no’, ed.). Yesterday he told me he loved me, and I couldn’t answer that. The feelings didn’t come. Every time I said that it hurt.” Jonas continued to hope in vain. “It was the pitfall of my positivity. I have to put hope out of my mind. I feel sad and powerless. I kept hoping that things would work out, but I also realized that this would not be the case.”

“Yesterday he told me he loved me and I couldn’t answer that. The feelings didn’t come. Every time I said that it hurt.”


Jonas had so many different expectations, but things went terribly wrong.

Jonas had so many different expectations, but things went terribly wrong. — © vtm

Remarkable: the two continued to see each other. “But I am careful about what I share. I don’t want him to think I want more,” Britt said. There is no argument between the two, but there is an amicable bond.

“It was the pitfall of my positivity. I have to put hope out of my mind. I feel sad and powerless”


While Britt has closed the story, Jonas is still trying to figure out how things could have gone wrong. There was of course the too-fast intimate contact. “But we never really tried,” he said.

Screaming out love

Married blind always ends on a positive note and so Ingeborg went to meet Thomas and Karlien on an Antwerp terrace. The two see each other often. “We don’t skip a weekend,” he said. The distance Antwerp-Hasselt is therefore no problem.

“The feelings have evolved,” said Karlien. “I feel a lot of butterflies. I miss him when I’m alone. It is still a nice prospect to see him again.”

“The feelings have evolved. I feel a lot of butterflies. I miss him when I’m alone. It is still a nice prospect to see him again”


Thomas and Karlien are very happy. Watch them shine!

Thomas and Karlien are very happy. Watch them shine! — © Karel Hemerijckx

Thomas also qualified the broadcast images. “We didn’t want to immediately give the impression that everything was all set and done,” he said. “There was kissing and there was physical contact. But we did that off screen. The experts knew perfectly well that you needed a man with Birkenstocks,” Thomas referred to the fuss about his footwear, which Karlien hated.

“We didn’t want to immediately give the impression that everything was all set and done. There was kissing and physical contact. But we did that off screen”


And now? The two are happy that they can shout out their love for each other, because everything has happened in the utmost discretion until now. And so the curtain falls on this season with a 2 out of 4. Candidates can register for a new season, although it has not yet been decided whether this will actually happen.

You can rewatch ‘Blind Married’ via VTM GO.



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