Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the Socialist Party was the guest of “8.30 franceinfo”, Friday December 6, 2024. Censorship of Michel Barnier, possible negotiations, new government… He answered questions from Bérengère Bonte and Hadrien Bect.
“I wish there would be a negotiation”
After the censorship of Michel Barnier on Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron receives several leaders ranging from the PS to the LR with a view to the formation of“a government of general interest”. Olivier Faure must be received at the end of the morning at the Élysée, with the heads of the socialist deputies Boris Vallaud and his Senate counterpart Patrick Kanner, and he “wish there would be a negotiation.”
“I am ready to enter into discussions“, continues the first secretary of the PS. “I am ready to start discussing, obtaining concessions”he adds. “We are going to discuss with the Head of State because the situation of the country deserves it and we have asked to be received by the Head of State to tell him what we have in mind, not to comply with his desired”, he emphasizes.
“The real subject is to organize a confrontation”
As for the post of Prime Minister, Olivier Faure “I don’t want us to arrive at a super-quick nomination.” He recognizes, however, that“We have to find a solution because we cannot put the country at a standstill for months.” To form a new government “for a fixed period”, the first secretary of the PS says he is ready to negotiate with the Macronists and the Republicans on the basis “reciprocal concessions”, grateful already chatting with “members of the central bloc”.
Olivier Faure wants Emmanuel Macron to appoint “a forerunner” responsible for organizing this negotiation between the political forces before appointing a Prime Minister.“The real subject is to organize a confrontation, are we ready to make reciprocal concessions, for a limited time and then everyone takes their marbles back”he explains, before adding that “for now”its partners in La France insoumise, within the New Popular Front coalition, “self-excluded from the discussion”. “LFI is for the resignation of the head of state. I don’t want to add madness to madness”he emphasizes.
Pension reform: “Before repealing,” we must “seek funding”
During their parliamentary niches, the RN then LFI tried to have the pension reform repealed but both failed. Olivier Faure says he is ready for “compromise”. “I said that I was ready that, before repealing, we would start by seeking funding”advocates the boss of the PS, pleading for “a social partner financing conference”.
“I am aware that there is money to be found”he assures, before adding that it is necessary to “coming” firstly the pension reform setting the retirement age at 64 years. “We freeze this reform, we hold a financing conference and, at the end, when we have found the method of financing and the reform which allows financing, we repeal”explains Olivier Faure. “You don’t still believe that I’m going to come into a discussion explaining that I’m going to ensure the continuity of Macronism?”