GUEST RTL – Government: for Glucksmann, “we need to sit around a table” to prevent the RN from “directing politics”

GUEST RTL – Government: for Glucksmann, “we need to sit around a table” to prevent the RN from “directing politics”
GUEST RTL – Government: for Glucksmann, “we need to sit around a table” to prevent the RN from “directing politics”

What government for after the censorship of that of Michel Barnier? This Friday, December 6, Raphaël Glucksmann, Place publique MEP, said he was “stunned” by Emmanuel Macron's reaction, “unable to count himself among those responsible for the crisis” and is now calling for negotiation.

“The problem now is whether we will be able to prevent the country from sinking into the abyss,” he explains. On July 7, there was a vote to block the path of the RN, the government should have relied on this majority I am not at all happy with the censorship, our responsibility is to go out and talk with the political forces which would make it possible to create a majority in favor. prevent the RN from finding itself in a position to direct the nation's politics.

“We need to sit around a table and decide on a legislative contract,” he continues. “We need to sit around a table and negotiate a contract of non-censorship, of government, to pose fists on the table with what we ask for on pensions, the minimum wage, ecology, proportional…”

I am ready to sit down with those who are certain that we must not let the RN lead the country's politicshe insists. Today, France has lost incredible credit in Europe and in the world, we cannot leave the country in a permanent crisis. What I want is for us to be faithful to what happened on July 7 and to which the political class did not give honor.”

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