“Black is black, there is no more hope”, could have intoned Johnny Hallyday, who always knew how to speak so well to the hearts of the French. The fall of Michel Barnier effectively seems to close the last emergency exit from an inextricable political situation.
Political uncertainty has never been greater in France in recent decades. The slim hope of a masterstroke by Emmanuel Macron after the failure this summer of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the legislative elections which followed could be maintained with the appointment of Michel Barnier and the relatively positive reception he received. had reserved Marine Le Pen. But we can no longer turn a blind eye today to the fact that no scenario, none of the options available to Emmanuel Macron results in a guarantee or even a real hope of political stability for France.
The National Rally has proven to those who still doubted it that no coalition, no minority government will be able to count on it and its commitments. Whatever concessions are made to him. At the other end of the hemicycle, the observation has been the same for a long time with La France insoumise, and, until now, with the rest of the left. Even the parties of the center and the traditional right, the “common base” of Michel Barnier, have not entirely played the game. Under these conditions, how can we hope to bring together a majority of deputies to validate confidence in a government over a period of time? long?
We know that, even more than deficits, it is political instability and the incapacity of a government to commit to the long term that the markets and the economy in general fear. It is therefore not the impossibility of passing a budget that should be frightening, but the inability of the multiple parties in this fragmented landscape to make the few concessions necessary so that a majority does not end up wanting to eject the government, whatever it is. The most depressing thing is that this irrepressible desire to censor, to make no compromise, is mainly motivated by electoral strategies. And therefore, ultimately, the French voters (electoral strategies most of the time only aim to give voters what they ask for). It is therefore up to French voters to show their elected representatives a little rationality. “Black is black, it’s never too late,” Johnny continued.