“In health, Social Security is giving up ground to complementary health insurance and this aggravates inequalities,” notes Marc Paulin, union representative of Sud Santé. Identical impression regarding work throughout the public service. The civil service is giving up ground to contractual jobs. Unions have been repeating it for decades: the lack of resources has a direct impact on the quality of the service provided.
“Keep the pressure on”
In Besançon, the inter-union recalled this Wednesday at the Planoise union house, as a preamble to the national mobilization planned for Thursday, December 5. The demonstration bringing together the three public functions (State, territorial and hospital) will take place the day after a decisive day at the National Assembly concerning the future of the Barnier government and the vote on the 2025 budget. “We are very worried about what could happen in the next few weeks,” says Marjorie Breney, FSU representative and teacher. Whatever the vote of the National Assembly, the unions want to “keep up the pressure” to defend public service.
From the Viotte pole to the Place de la Révolution
The teacher recalls that the elimination of nearly 4,000 teaching positions (public and private combined) is planned for the start of the 2025 school year across the entire national territory. “This will inevitably result in class and school closures,” regrets the trade unionist. The local civil service denounces a lack of attractiveness of public service professions, due to salary levels that are too low for certain categories.
The trade union organizations CGT, CFDT, UNSA, FSU, Solidaires, CFE-CGC and FA-FP are meeting with public service agents on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at Pôle Viotte. The demonstration must end at Place de la Révolution.
-For National Education agents, a general meeting is planned for Thursday from 9 a.m. at Granvelle school. The territorial agents of the town hall of Besançon should close the reception to the public Thursday morning from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Many children should not have school.