Véronique Guillotin announces the abandonment of the project

Véronique Guillotin announces the abandonment of the project
Véronique Guillotin announces the abandonment of the project

On Wednesday, November 27, during questions to the government, Véronique Guillotin questioned the Minister of Labor about the draft agreement concluded between employers and unions concerning unemployment insurance.

The senator from Meurthe-et- denounces “the deleterious effects that it would have had for cross-border workers,” by planning to apply a new method of calculating their allowance, based on a reducing coefficient which takes into account the difference in salary between the country of employment and , but also to revise the notion of reasonable offer of employment”.

The parliamentarian warned “of the breakdown in equality that such measures would entail”.

« Injustice »

This Tuesday, December 3, Véronique Guillotin spoke, alongside deputies Jean-Luc Warsmann and Isabelle Rauch, with the Minister of Labor as part of a meeting on the ecosystem of cross-border workers.

Once again, she recalled “the injustice of the proposed reduction in unemployment benefits for cross-border workers, some of whom would see their compensation halved, even though they have contributed to the country of employment”.


« Abandon »

In a press release, Villeruptienne is delighted that the minister, “having heard the arguments, announced today that this measure would not be applied”.

Véronique Guillotin welcomes the announcement of the withdrawal of “this discriminatory measure and provides her full support to the French government in the pursuit of negotiations at European and bilateral level, in order to achieve the revision of the regulation and the signing of bilateral conventions that are fairer in view of economic and social realities.




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