the essential
Teachers at Saint-Sernin high school in Toulouse prepared for the strike on Thursday, December 5 during a general assembly. They informed the parents of students on Monday, December 2, during a meeting.
The December 5 strike, called by several civil service unions, should be widely followed by primary and secondary teachers. At the Saint-Sernin high school in Toulouse, teachers have already started, Monday, December 2, to raise awareness among parents, particularly during parent-teacher meetings. A general assembly brought together around sixty teachers and signs and banners were posted on the gates of the establishment.
A general “fed up”
According to Antoine Missier, mathematics professor and union representative (Snes-FSU), there is a general “fed up” among his colleagues. Particularly since the Blanquer reforms, but not only that. “We are mobilizing,” he said, “to denounce the 4,000 cuts to teaching positions announced by the government for next year. But also against the three days of waiting time and the reduction in compensation for sick leave, the freezing of the index point.”
-70% of teachers on strike in Saint-Sernin?
The discontent is not new. For the union delegate, “the working conditions of teachers have been deteriorating for years”. Which, according to him, has consequences on the “pedagogical monitoring of students. They are under more and more pressure with Parcoursup and the classes no longer have any homogeneity. It has been at least three or four years since colleagues have been the wind is up against the reforms. It's constant tinkering.” For Thursday, December 5, around “70%” of teachers will be on strike.