The series of events conceived and conducted by Roberto Mercadini is arriving at Villa Torlonia Teatro where the theater confirms itself as a place of exchange and study. “Scalpiti – various cultural impulses” is the opportunity to dialogue together with experts, raising curiosity, doubts and stimuli for reflection among the public on various issues that affect our current affairs.
We start on Sunday 1 December at 4.30 pm with “Is there intelligent life on Planet Earth?” In which Roberto Mercadini dialogues with Davide Pioggia and where, through a paradoxical and provocative thesis, we range from biology to anthropology, from prehistory to our time to try to answer difficult but indispensable questions: where do human behaviors come from? Are our most widespread customs, our deepest beliefs, innate and universal?
The second appointment of the Sentimenti MalEducati review is scheduled for Sunday 26 January, again at 4.30 pm. Here Mercadini meets Stefano Rossi, one of the most engaging voices in Italian educational psychology, who will be entrusted with the task of exploring methods to make affective intelligence flourish in children and counteract harmful feelings that are sadly the order of the day.
Third and final appointment Standard deviations. Women, homosexuals and transgenders in the history of science, technology and videogames is scheduled for Sunday 9 March, at the same time. Guest of the meeting Marco Tonti President of Arcigay Rimini “Alan Turing” will talk to us about how often, when the history of science and technology is told, the human sides of those who made that history are ignored.
Entrance €10. Pre-sale on The Scalpiti event is free (with free choice of seat) for subscribers to the 24-25 season. For each afternoon conversation, 6 free entrances for under 30s are also available upon reservation. By purchasing your ticket exclusively in advance online, you can use the Teacher Bonus and 18app. For info and reservations: 370.3685092 (4-7 pm) | [email protected]