The banks of the Creuse benefit Argenton but less for Blanc


Monique Guignerat, manager of Aribout real estate, can’t believe it. After last winter’s famine where she “found the time long”spring and early summer were “extraordinary. I think even better than the Covid period”she smiled. “Perhaps the best period in twenty-two years. I am absolutely lucky: I have a clientele who follows me. I just sold the same house three times in the space of five years. »

Even though the market has slowed down since mid-August, it remains quite active and is mainly driven by buyers from outside the department. “We don’t have many first-time buyers”continues Monique Guignerat. “Our clientele is mainly made up of people who come from outside, , the south of , Limousin… Argenton is starting to be expensive, like its nearby surroundings (5-6 km). The city center has grown a lot because there is demand. Goods come in, but come out immediately, provided they are at the right price. »

The right price? Between €1,080 to €1,200 per m2excluding services and, logically, not on the banks of the Creuse, where houses are highly sought after, are rare and sell like hot cakes. “We sold two houses on the banks of the Creuse this summer”continues Monique Guignerat. “One came home in the evening and was sold the next afternoon! But you shouldn’t want to keep the market price with rare things. It takes 15% to 20% more. » Concretely, a house of 146 m2 overlooking Creuse, roof redone, double glazing, electricity and plumbing to be reviewed, was sold for €160,000 net seller.

If the heart of Argenton is no longer affordable for all budgets, it is still possible to target Argenton with a budget of less than €100,000. In the Merle-Blanc district, a 90 m house2with the electricity to be redone, cost €90,000.

“Otherwise, you have to leave Argenton and travel 10 to 15 km”notes Monique Guignerat. “But it’s all or nothing. Either dilapidated houses where everything needs to be redone, or beautiful products. » Like this 115 m pavilion2with 2,000 m2 of land, near Ceaulmont, without work, sold for €140,000. “It’s not cheap because there is demand and there are few products. »

The White

Located halfway between Châteauroux and , on the borders of Brenne, Le Blanc seems to be living its own time and even more so at the moment. “We are in a kind of bubble, it’s a bit special. Things aren’t moving much”notes Christine de Ruffray, from the Mille étangs agency. “But we find it at market price. We have a little fewer investors with the current situation. However, prices have not changed much. They are quite low at the start and it is interesting to invest because the profitability is good. »

Despite the Creuse, the Blanc market does not attract as many buyers as that of its Argentonian neighbor.
© (Photo Ludo Mauchien)

A 124 m house2 on basement, garden of 550 m2equipped with a heat pump, sells for €138,000 in Le Blanc. Another close to the city center of 96 m² where everything needs to be redone, with a garden of 1,300 m², was listed at €76,000.

First-time buyers tend to find what they’re looking for 5 to 6 km from Le Blanc, where prices and property taxes are lower. For example, in Concremiers, a 70 m pavilion2 on basement, with 1,500 m2 of land, sold for €86,000.

In Bélâbre, a 165 m² house, with convertible attic and 75 m courtyard2 with lean-to, redone roof, double glazing, sold for €90,000. More rare, a beautiful 132 m² farmhouse in Néons-sur-Creuse, with fireplace, double glazing, outbuildings, garage, terrace, 550 m² garden, sold for €183,000.

Brenne ou Boischaut?

The south of Indre is full of visual and bucolic treasures and offers an envied variety of landscapes. Despite these charms, Brandes and Brenne as well as Boischaut du Sud, i.e. half of the department, do not see median house prices increasing.

But it is especially Boischaut du Sud which is experiencing a fairly sharp decline. Minus 7% over a rolling year (from April 2023 to April 2024, source Adnov, notaries of France), the largest drop in the department, with Champagne (– 6.9%). However, certain sectors are doing better than others, such as Le Péchereau (+ 15.9%), Éguzon, Gargilesse and surrounding areas (+ 2%) and Argenton (+ 0.2%).

The drop in the median price is less in Brenne, a still coveted sector. Minus 2.3% in Brandes and Brenne were observed on 213 sales for a median sale price of €64,500 (for 91 m2 on average).

As for the market for building land, of which the two countries are abundant in every village, it has completely collapsed (-13.4% in Boischaut Sud on 49 sales, for a median price of €17,300, compared to -4.4% for the entire department). Make your choice.

Grgilesse remains a sought-after town.
© (Photo Ludo Mauchien)

in numbers

  • 18.000. The amount in euros of a 112 m house2 in Saint-Marcel, with a 10 m patio2. It’s an empty shell where everything has to be redone. A great project in perspective!
  • 15,9 %. The increase in the median price of an old house in Péchereau observed in 27 sales over a rolling year, from April 2023 to April 2024 (source Adnov, notaries of France), a record of its kind in Indre.
  • 15,8 %. The drop in the median price of an old house in Chaillac observed in 22 sales between April 2023 and April 2024 (source Adnov, notaries of France). This is the department’s record.


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