Brigitte Bardot’s request for her 90th birthday

Brigitte Bardot’s request for her 90th birthday
Brigitte Bardot’s request for her 90th birthday

The actress sent a letter to Ursula von der Leyen on the occasion of her birthday.

This Saturday, Brigitte Bardot celebrates her 90th birthday. Although she has not appeared much in public for several years, she sent a letter to Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission.

In her letter, she decided to address her first fight: the protection of seals. She writes that the best gift on the occasion of her birthday would be for the European Union to ensure the protection of these animals and the importation of products made from their skin.

She asks that the Commission unravel the “ European regulation on trade in seal products “. This law was adopted in 2009. BFMTV specifies that the EU executive body opened an evaluation of this text in May.

In 2015, however, Inuit and indigenous peoples of Canada were authorized to sell this type of product under certain conditions, indicates TF1.

Opponents of this text want its cancellation. In Finland and Sweden, for example, some people are denouncing the damage caused by growing seal colonies. Brigitte Bardot does not agree with them: “ How could the EU go back when the World Trade Organization has confirmed the validity and relevance of this regulation? »

Also read: Brigitte Bardot, 90 years old and still committed to defending animals (video)

According to her, the 2009 text “ protects several hundred thousand seals each year from club blows that shatter their skulls before being skinned, alive, to supply the fur market. »

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