OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, on Thursday launched Operator, an artificial intelligence agent capable of performing online tasks for the user. Operator can plan a vacation, reserve a restaurant or run errands, among other things. The AI agent “uses its own browser,” the Californian company said in a press release. He can “look at an Internet page, scroll it, click buttons” and “fill in text fields like people do every day.”
The new function is currently only available to professional ChatGPT subscribers, in order to improve it thanks to feedback. “Operator is one of our first agents, that is, AIs capable of performing tasks for you autonomously: you give it a task and it executes it,” summarizes OpenAI.
The Grail of Silicon Valley
The explosion of generative AI with the success of ChatGPT since the end of 2022 has launched a frantic race for AI assistants between technology giants, who are rapidly deploying tools capable of writing messages, answering questions, generating pictures.
-The Holy Grail of Silicon Valley is AI agents, when the machine becomes a sort of omniscient secretary, available at all hours and capable of carrying out numerous tasks, from sending messages to shopping on the Internet. In this area, OpenAI is not the fastest, at least in terms of deployment. Operator is similar to “Computer Use,” a feature launched in October by Anthropic, a rival startup.
Computer Use allows Claude, Anthropic’s generative AI interface, to use computers like a human, from selecting buttons to entering text and handling different software. Google, which presented Gemini 2.0, its new family of generative AI models, in December, is also moving forward with more complex interactions with technology, so that AI agents navigate the Internet autonomously, search for additional information online or in a document.
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