“Since yesterday (editor’s note: Monday) the entire area of Cossonay and surrounding areas has been cut off from the world due to a mega-outage at Swisscom!” A reader from Vaud, whose fed up is apparent, informed us this Tuesday that an internet outage penalized all customers in his region.
The outage specifically impacts the municipalities of Cossonay, Dizy and Senarclens, in the canton of Vaud, according to Swisscom. It started Monday around 3 p.m. Users can no longer access the internet or television via BlueTV. They are also deprived of landline telephony.
Swisscom initially indicated that the outage should be resolved on Tuesday evening. Finally, a new message on the website indicates that the deadline has been revised to Wednesday evening. According to the operator, a buried connection cable in the area is damaged and “the repair work is complex and time-consuming.”
-Users in Cossonay and surrounding areas will therefore have to wait a while before being able to use Swisscom’s digital services again.
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