WhatsApp could soon introduce a new feature to personalize artificial intelligences directly within the application. A recent beta version reveals the arrival of a new tab dedicated to AI.
WhatsApp keep going reinvent to meet the needs of its two billion users. After improving video calls and introducing voice message transcription, Meta’s app seems to want go further. A new beta version for Android reveals the arrival ofa tab dedicated to AIwhere users can create et personalize of the chatbots directly from the application.
According to WABetaInfo, the beta version of WhatsApp for Android reveals the arrival of a tab dedicated to AI. This feature will allow users to configure chatbots by defining their personalitytheir features and their SKILLS. Through an intuitive interface, users will be able to choose from suggestions and adjust settings according to their needs. This system is reminiscent of the Meta AI Studio, already present on Instagram, and could democratize the use of personalized AI for various tasks such as assistance, entertainment or project management.
Meta replaces the Communities tab to make way for AI in WhatsApp
Meta seems to want to give a central place to AI in WhatsApp. For that, the tab current Communities sera replaced by a new one dedicated to this new option. THE Communities features will not disappear however: they will remain accessible since themain tab Cats. The company, which relies heavily on artificial intelligence, is increasing initiatives on its platforms. For example, it also plans to introduce AI bots on Facebook, capable ofinteract like real users. These accounts will be able to publish, comment and even view profile pictures and realistic biographies, raising questions about their potential impact on authentic interactions.
WhatsApp wants to make AI accessible to everyone by simplifying their creation and integrating them directly into the application. The available chatbots will be organized into categories such as productivity, entertainment or topical assistance. This new feature is accompanied by a revisited interfacewith a clear and intuitive design. Meta has not yet announced the launch date, but this new feature could quickly change the way we interact with artificial intelligence.
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