Meta is gradually enriching WhatsApp with artificial intelligence features. In November 2023, the company launched its first chatbot based on the LLama 2 model, accessible only in beta. This first experience was based on a partnership with Microsoft to improve the assistant’s responses using the Bing search engine. In April 2024, Zuckerberg’s firm officially deployed its AI assistant to all users, Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
The world’s most used messaging system is now taking the next step in integrating AI. More than a year after the introduction of its first chatbot, Meta prepares a complete overhaul of the interface to facilitate access to its virtual assistants and enrich your conversations.
A new space dedicated to chatbots
The latest beta version of WhatsApp replaces the“Communities” tab with a new “AIs” tab. This major change provides access to a variety of chatbots, each with their own personality and specific areas of expertise. For now, this new interface is only available on the new Android beta (
Virtual assistants are divided into different categories, such as “Popular”, “Advice and Relations”, “Pop Culture” or even “Anime”.
This organization allows you to quickly find the AI best suited to your needs, whether to get advice, discuss your favorite series or simply entertain yourself.
A change that goes beyond chatbots
For the moment, the creation of personalized AI avatars remains exclusive to Instagram and its AI Studio tool. WhatsApp does not yet allow design your own chatbotsbut this feature could arrive in a future update, following the example of the success encountered on Instagram.
However, the communities do not disappear from the application. Meta plans to embed as a filter in the main discussions pagealongside favorites and groups. This new organization promises smoother navigation between your different conversations, whether with humans or virtual assistants.
By : Keleops AG
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