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GEEKNPLAY – Fortnite – A new social game and major update to redefine the experience with LEGO Fortnite Brick Life

LEGO Fortnite will soon take on a new dimension with the release of the new LEGO Fortnite Brick Life game as well as a major update which will appear.

The mode LEGO Fortnite is one of the modes that the community of the game developed by Epic Games. Within it, players can spend hours, alone or with their friends, building villages, going hunting, exploring unknown lands… The possibilities are multiple! A new social role-playing game will soon arrive on December 12, in which 32 players will be able to find themselves in a lively city within Fortnite. It will be possible to discuss with the community, through a chat, or to carry out different missions which will be offered to you! Many updates will appear over time, with new jobs, new resources and missions…

LEGO Fortnite will change its name with the arrival of the next major update. From now on, we will have to get into the habit of talking about LEGO Fortnite Odyssey. A new boss will be there, it will be the Storm King. An overhaul of the progression system and the introduction of brand new crafting systems will also be included.

Want to know more about the game Fortnite ? We invite you to visit our page dedicated to the game developed by Epic Games.

Epic Games, Fortnite, LEGO Fortnite, LEGO Fortnite Brick, LEGO Fortnite Odyssey

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