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Download Magzter for Web, iOS, Android

Reconnect with the press and benefit from a new information and entertainment experience thanks to Magzter. A true digital press kiosk, this application allows you to access the biggest daily, regional or international press titles and magazines from a single interface. Founded in 2011 in New York, this multiplatform digital newsstand now has no less than 87 million users and brings together thousands of magazines and newspapers in more than 40 categories and more than 60 languages.

How to access Magzter

To do this, there are several ways to obtain Magzter and benefit from its thousands of newspapers and magazines: The first and simplest is to go, from your computer, to the Magzter web page in order to create ‘a user account. Once activated, click on the free 30-day trial offer and let yourself be carried away by the simplicity and freedom of access to the digital press.

The second is to use your smartphone and/or tablet. To do this, you must first go to the iOS or Android stores to download Magzter and its mobile application. Once installed on your device, all you have to do is create your user account and take advantage of your one-month free trial version, just like on your computer.

How it works

Featuring intuitive navigation, using and downloading Magzter makes it easy to make your choice. From politics to the economy, including sport, culture and even home and well-being, no less than 30 themes are available to you. A continuously updated news feed with the latest articles from the biggest press titles is also present so you don’t miss anything that’s happening in the world.

Each theme brings together its numerous newspapers, articles and other magazines in the form of a cover. Clicking on it allows you to read or listen to the document, but also to download it (for later reading), share it or add it to your favorites. You will also find the date and edition number there.

To benefit from optimal reading comfort, know that Magzter includes a mode called “Smart Reading” within its application. Whether for use on your smartphone, tablet or computer, it automatically adapts the layout of your magazine to the size of your screen. You will also appreciate the different reading functions with which it is, for example, possible to interrupt your reading at any time and resume it whenever you want, exactly where you left off.

Finally, please note that an advanced search function is of course available from which it is possible to search for a specific press title or article. You will also be able to find all the categories there as well as the latest collections added.

Accessible from a web browser and on your smartphone and/or tablet via the App Store and the Google Play Store, it is important to note that downloading Magzter allows you to benefit from the 1 month trial offer for free. At the end of the latter, a subscription will then be offered to you at the price of €49.99/year. It is of course without obligation and can be interrupted at any time.

The alternatives

If, however, the Magzter platform does not suit you, know that there are many other platforms offering online magazine reading services. This is particularly the case with PressReader. digital press platform, it offers access to thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the world. The application allows you to browse and read articles from various publications. It is just like Magzter, accessible from different platforms.

You can also use Apple News. A news content platform developed by Apple, it provides a personalized news reading experience by bringing together articles from different news sources such as newspapers, magazines and popular websites. It specifically uses algorithms and recommendations to select and present articles based on user interests and preferences.


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