DayFR Euro

Info in figures: The inactive

3,36 millions : The number of Belgians inactive on the labour market. A figure slightly higher than in 2023.

95% : The number of people who had a job last year and remained employed a year later.

8% : The share of inactive people who changed status between 2023 and 2024: 190,000 people found work, 80,000 people became unemployed.

43% : Retirees are the largest group of inactive people. But only 82% of them are 65 or older.

A quarter : Among those who were unemployed in 2023, 27.4% transitioned to employment. The others remained unemployed (42%) or became inactive (30%).

The final point

“There is a scent of assistance in Wallonia”declares the president of the Engagés, Maxime Prévot. “Belgium should be run by engineers, not poets”, announces the president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez. For the inactive, a turn of the screw seems to be in store. Alongside retirees who are sometimes retired too early and young people still studying without working on the side, the third group of inactive Belgians is made up of 430,000 people unable to work due to long-term health problems. Or 14% of people remaining inactive. One in four people unable to work is under 45 years old.

Furthermore, 10% of the people who remain inactive consider themselves to be men or housewives. 90% of them are women. Statbel also highlights notable regional differences. The Brussels-Capital Region has more people who are unable to work and unemployed. In the Flemish Region, there is a higher proportion of older people considered unemployed. There are more students who work in Flanders, where one in six works.


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