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Elden Ring could come to theaters, or even other media

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, despite controversies over its difficulty, was a huge success. Not only was it acclaimed by the press, but it also achieved spectacular sales., reaching 5 million units sold in less than a week. This makes it one of the most successful expansions of all time, demonstrating that From Software is no longer just about making games for a niche audience.

The success is such that Hidetaka Miyazaki, director of the studio and the game, was interviewed by the British daily The Guardian. In this interview, Miyazaki talked about the expansion, the future of action RPGs, and his preparation for this DLC.. He even made some funny statements, such as saying that he’s “very bad at video games.” He also revealed some interesting information, including his desire to explore the Elden Ring universe outside of video games.

According to Miyazaki, he would not be against another interpretation or adaptation of Elden Ring in another medium. However, he clarified that for this to come to fruition, there would need to be a potential partner strong enough to carry out the project.. From Software having neither the experience nor the interest in expanding beyond video game development, this partner would have to do the heavy lifting to succeed in this adaptation or new interpretation.

This is not an impossible task, however. Although many automatically think of film, other art forms exist. Elden Ring already has two mangas which have had some success in Japan. Adaptations into literature, anime or even live-action series should not be ruled out. They would be less expensive and easier to make than a film.although, as Miyazaki points out, it would be necessary to find the right partner to carry out these projects.

Regardless, it seems clear that Elden Ring 2 is not on the agenda for the studio. Although they don’t rule out the possibility, From Software, under Miyazaki’s leadership, prefers to avoid working on sequels as much as possible.. With the exception of Dark Souls and the franchises preceding Miyazaki, the studio has not made any sequels to its titles. Unless there is a change, if we want to see more Mid-Earths content, we will probably need to find a powerful partner to carry out this project.

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